Freshman Engineering

Freshman Engineering

The name itself denotes that it is the foundation of all sciences and elementary understanding of how people think and behave. Educational arena is incomplete without this department. English, Engineering Physics, Engineering Chemistry, Mathematics & Environmental Sciences are the five major domains of this department.

Engineering curriculum essentially includes these subjects as they become the base from which all advanced sciences draw their strength. Unique feature of Geethanjali is highly dedicated faculty members with very strong academic background and experience. Faculty members with very strong academic background and experience are working here. Each faculty of this department works with great perseverance to achieve the goal and in contributing effectively to the student's overall development.

Freshman Engineering department handles engineers, technologists in the making to become more enlightened intellectually and analytically. It is a cardinal rule that it is difficult to advance by ignoring science and humanities in the days of globalization.

It is mandatory on every student's part to realize the true potential of science & humanities and enrich him/her to acquire basic strength for a enviable future.

The department is headed by Prof. Dr. G. Neeraja Rani, having 28 years of experience in Teaching and Research. There are 9 Professors, 22 Associate Professors, 27 Assistant professors - 38 Doctorates in the department.


Faculty List

Click on Name for Profile

NameDesignationQualificationFaculty Registration ID
Dr. G Neeraja RaniProfessor & HODB.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D79150401-094455
Dr. A. S. Madhusudhan RaoProfessor & Dean, Stud. AffairsB.Sc, M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D5870-161209-160733
Dr. J. AnjaiahProfessor & Assoc. Dean, Stud. AffairsB.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D1666-150408-110342
Dr. J. ShankarProfessorB.Sc, M.Sc (Tech.), Ph.D 2164-160107-105632
Dr. B. MamathaAssociate ProfessorB.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D9895-150426-153551
Dr. SK Mahammad AliAssociate ProfessorB.Sc, M.Sc, |Ph.D50150401-104829
Dr. P. RajuAssociate ProfessorB. Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D7878-170912-145949
Dr. M. Kanaka DurgaAssociate ProfessorB.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D0188-190111-122557
Dr. V. ManjulaAssociate ProfessorB.SC, B.Ed., M.SC, Ph.D59150401-113548
Dr. P. SakuntalaAssociate ProfessorB.Sc, M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D7735-221130-095807
Dr. S. RajeshamAssociate ProfessorB.SC, M.Sc, Ph.D68150401-110844
Dr. V. KamalakerAssociate ProfessorB.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D21150405-195928
Ch. KalyaniSr. Assistant ProfessorB.Sc, M.Sc, -86150401-115402
Dr. T. SuneethaAssistant ProfessorB.Sc. , M.Sc, NET, Ph.D9222-240105-143932
Dr. B. RameshAssistant ProfessorB.SC, M.Sc, SET, Ph.D5430-170127-124123
A. Shiva KumarSr. Assistant ProfessorB.Ed., M.Sc, 9330-150414-163730
T. V. PrashanthiAssistant Professor B.Sc, B.Ed, M.Sc, 83150401-112328
Dr. Vemula. Suseela Triveni Professor & Dean, WPCB.Sc, M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D01150401-134903
Dr. G. SrinivasProfessorB.Sc, M.Sc, Mphil, Ph.D77150404-004302
Dr. Subhadra NemaniProfessor & Assoc. Dean, R&DB.Sc, B.Ed, M.Sc, M.Ed. M.Phil, Ph.D 98150401-144356
Dr. G. MuraliProfessorB.Sc, B.Ed, M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D2232-160312-110412
Dr. SK Nuslin BibiAssociate ProfessorB.Sc, M.Sc , Ph.D8206-161208-120958
Dr. P. RahiraAssociate ProfessorB.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D8961-150415-193645
Dr. P. Sarada DeviAssociate ProfessorB.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D9297-160720-142623
Dr. A. RameshAssociate ProfessorB.Sc, B.Ed, M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D07150401-141908
Dr. Hemantha Lakshmi MAssociate ProfessorB.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D8764-171220-120920
Dr. N. Nagi Reddy Associate ProfessorB.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D91150401-145402
Dr. B. S. Surya PrabhavatiAssistant ProfessorB. Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D15150404-121824
Dr. A. SrinivasuluAssistant professorB.Sc., M.Sc, Ph.D3841-240626-101429
P. Kumar SwamySr. Assistant ProfessorB.Sc, M.Sc SET, 2152-150415-113013
G. KalpanaAssistant ProfessorB.Sc, M.Sc B.Ed SET, 3958-240106-101239
Dr. S. Lalitha KumariAssociate ProfessorB.Sc, M.Sc, M. Phil, Ph.D3750-150410-131655
Dr. G. Durga PriyadarsiniAssociate ProfessorB.A, M.Sc and SET, Ph.D5954-190710-145314
M. P. MolimolSr. Assistant ProfessorB.Sc, M.Sc, 5725-150409-111134
Dr. A Uma DeviProfessor & Dean, Centre for Student ActivitiesBA, MA, M.Phil, Ph.D9708-161209-103047
Dr. B. NagamaniProfessor & Dean Center for Soft Skills Development and Coordinator of IICBA, MA, Ph.D58150401-124911
Dr. K YugandharProfessorBA , MA, Ph.D2380-190830-135020
Dr. Pramodini PatnaikAssociate ProfessorBA, MA, Ph.D4701-211207-110019
Dr. C. GoverdhanAssociate ProfessorB.Sc, M.A., Ph.D6647-180202-121301
Dr. K Shobha RaniAssociate ProfessorB Com, M.A, M.Phil, Ph.D1112-170913-130848
Dr. D. AnuradhaAssociate ProfessorB.Sc, B.Ed, M.A, Ph.D3488-240722-100026
Dr. M. AnajaiahAssociate ProfessorBA, B.Ed., MA, M.Phil, Ph.D2016-160123-145438
P. Mercy KavithaAssociate ProfessorB.Com B.Ed, M.A , TSSET 76150401-121349
Dr. A. VanisreeSr. Assistant ProfessorB.Com, MA, M.Phil, Ph.D0842-150409-112046
Y AnilAssistant ProfessorB.Com, B.Ed, M.A, TSSET1983-160127-115615
Md. Sabir HussainAssistant ProfessorBA, MA, , APSET6358-220223-114823
Dr. Mudasir Ahmad LoneAssistant ProfessorBA , MA, Ph.D6220-230808-104610
Dr. Imtiyaz Ahmad DarAssistant ProfessorBA, MA, Ph.D5264-240212-101219
Sukanta GhoshAssistant ProfessorBA, MA, NET9297-211105-160731
Dr. K.ShasikalaProfessorB.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D54150402-101940
Dr. J. V. MadhuriAssoc. Professor, & Addl. Coor., IQACB.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D6552-150408-173730
Dr. P. SreedharAssociate ProfessorB.Ed, M.Sc., Ph.D84150402-105725
Dr. B. SrinuAssociate ProfessorB.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D61150406-1058126
Dr. K. Santosh KumarAssistant ProfessorB.Sc, M.Sc NET, Ph.D4354-210816-153318
Dr. A. Anil KumarAssistant ProfessorB.Sc, M.Sc NET, Ph.D1002-210816-160725
Dr. B. SusruthaAssistant ProfessorB.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D4851-221110-143514
Dr. K. KamalakarSr. Assistant ProfessorB.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D4154-170118-171536
Dr. M. Chenna ReddySr. Assistant ProfessorB.Sc, M.Sc. (Org. Che.), Ph.D7502-240905-124711
K. SwarupaSr. Assistant ProfessorB.Sc, B.Ed, M.Sc. (Che.), 15150402-172252
M. MuraliAssistant ProfessorB.Sc, M.Sc, 3623-150409-120904
K. SateeshAssistant ProfessorB.Sc, B.Ed, M.Sc, 85150404-133122
J. Bhargavi LakshmiSr. Assistant ProfessorB.Sc., , M.Sc., 96150402-100905
Dr. K. SrilakshmiAssistant Professor & Co- Coordinator of IICB.Sc, M.Sc, M.Tech.(Env. Man), Ph.D3933-220426-124958
Dept : FE (Non Teaching)
G.VenkateshamLab AssistantB.Sc, B.Ed, M.Sc 
P. ChaitanyaLab AssistantB.Sc,
Ch. ThirumalaLab AssistantBSc 
Y.Amarnadh ReddyP. DBA, B.P.Ed, M.A. M.P.Ed 
A. VerannaP.DB.P.Ed, M.P. Ed 
S SreedharP.DB.A, M.P. Ed 
B. GovardhanP.DB.P.Ed, M.P. Ed 

Laboratory Details

Physics Laboratory

The basic focus in the Engineering Physics and Semiconductor Devices Laboratories is to develop scientific temper and encourage students to explore in diverse technical areas for better understanding of scientific and engineering problems. Adequate number of experimental sets of each experiment is available so as to accommodate 30 students at a time in the laboratory. Each group is guided by a team of two faculty members, one laboratory assistant and one laboratory attendant. A comprehensive demonstration is carried out by the faculty members for each experiment to help the students in better understanding of the experimental procedure and the theoretical concepts required to perform that experiment. Besides, in every practical class there is a viva-voce test of the concerned experiment to evaluate the understanding of the students.

Engineering Chemistry Laboratory

Engineering Chemistry Laboratory introduces concepts with practical approach that are significant in engineering applications. It is spacious, ventilated and well equipped to perform experiments related to quantitative analysis, estimation of compounds and determination of physical constants. Students are trained to handle instruments like Potentiometer, Conductometeretc enhancing their analytical skills.

Computational Mathematics Laboratory

The Laboratory for Computational Mathematics provides techniques for the solution of challenging quantitative problems arising in science, engineering, finance and management, enhance mathematical and practical knowledge skills to design and build structures, machines, devices, systems, materials and processes that safely serve as solutions to the needs of society.

English Language and Communication Skills Laboratory

The objectives of the English Language and Communication Skills Laboratory are to:

  1. Facilitate computer-assisted multi-media instruction enabling individualized and independent language learning.
  2. Sensitize students to the nuances of English speech sounds, word accent, intonation and rhythm.
  3. Bring about a consistent accent and intelligibility in English by providing an opportunity for practice in speaking.
  4. Improve the fluency of students in spoken English and neutralize their Mother Tongue Influence.
  5. Train students to use language appropriately for public speaking and interviews.
Advanced Communication Skills Laboratory

Advanced Communication Skills Laboratory is a functional Course for III year B.Tech students. It aims at

  1. Improving students fluency in spoken English.
  2. Enabling them to acquire target communication skills or behavioral skills required for their personal and professional life.
  3. Helping students develop their vocabulary thereby instill confidence among them.
  4. Reading and comprehending texts and respond appropriately in different Socio-Cultural contexts.
  5. Developing intra and inter personal skills.

Co-curricular and Extra- Curricular Activities

  1. The main objective of the Science club is to inculcate the scientific temper among the students.
  2. To encourage individual and group activities.
  3. To stimulate active participation and initiative among the students in the learning process and to develop a sense of healthy competition.
  1. Encourage students with a scientific outlook towards societal problems.
  2. Promote scientific thinking and the comprehensive development of the students.

The Purpose of the Science Club is to develop a scientific approach towards the understanding of problems faced by individuals in particular and society in general. This will be accomplished by conducting various activities such as science quizzes, expert lectures by eminent personalities in the field of science and technology, essay writing, elocution, poster presentations, demo models, and working model competitions.

  1. The main objective of Mathematics Club is to augment aptitude and reasoning skills of the students thereby improving their life skills.
  2. Mathematics Club focuses on teamwork, time management and organizing skills among the students.
  3. The Mathematics Club facilitates a platform for the students to update their knowledge in mathematics and its applications with the advanced technology.
  1. Encourage a positive attitude towards mathematics.
  2. Stimulate mathematical curiosity.
  3. Promote cross-curricular thinking and the holistic development of the students.
  4. Study real-world maths beyond the classroom and allow students to see maths as an integral part of their lives.
  5. Inspire thinking, challenge and collaboration.

The Purpose of Mathematics Club is to develop student's level of Maths skills and knowledge. This will be accomplished by conducting activities such as Puzzles, Guest Lectures, Workshops and Quiz competitions. Students participate in all the events enthusiastically. Mathematics Club supports classroom learning, enrich their skills with higher order thinking and prepare students for future Math Competitions.


To enhance the aesthetic sense of the students through literary activities.

  1. To improve the pedantic skills of the students for improving their writing skills.
  2. To improve the students strengths of articulation.
  3. To add colour and enthusiasm to the academics.
  4. To focus on all the four skills required for the effective communication.
  5. To boost positive habits like reading and writing.
  1. The Literary Club adheres to the significance of the events and conducts for the betterment of student community as a whole.
  2. The club members tries to make the activities successful to meet its objective.
  3. It promotes participation of its members in literary competitions at different levels.
  4. Club members meet to discuss books and the craft of writing. The Literary Club aims at not only refining the literary skills of the students but also developing the logical thinking and to instill in them a confidence to speak well.
  5. This club provides a platform to cultivate a passion for Creative Writing, Literature, Elocution, Debating, Group Discussion, etc. among the students.

The Literary club was conceptualized to enhance the receptive and productive skills of the students. It is instrumental in taking care for the enhancement of the students skills especially critical thinking, spontaneity and interactive skills. The activities help to develop the self-efficacy and confidence of the students which indirectly improves their general knowledge and sharpens the skills of logical thinking which results in excellent communication skills. This club was started to enhance the receptive and productive skills of the students.

The Environmental Club at Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology plays a crucial role in fostering environmental awareness among students and staff. The club is dedicated to promote sustainability by actively engaging members in various environmental initiatives and encouraging personal actions that contribute to climate change mitigation.

  • To raise awareness among students and faculty about the significance of environmental protection and sustainability.
  • To encourage active participation in environmental preservation and conservation efforts.
  • To maintain a Clean and Green Campus through eco-friendly initiatives.
  • To utilize various platforms such as seminars, workshops, guest lectures, poster campaigns, and competitions to disseminate knowledge on environmental issues.
  • To extend environmental awareness beyond the campus, engaging the community in creating a pollution-free environment.
Alignment with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The club actively supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by educating students and faculty on key areas, including:

  • SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation – Promoting water conservation and rainwater harvesting.
  • SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy – Encouraging the adoption of renewable energy solutions such as solar water heaters.
  • SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities – Organizing tree plantation drives and promoting waste management.
  • SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production – Minimizing plastic usage and promoting eco-friendly alternatives.
  • SDG 13: Climate Action – Conducting awareness programs on climate change, pollution control, and conservation strategies.
Activities of the Club

The Environmental Club at Geethanjali College undertakes various initiatives to instil green consciousness and social responsibility, including:

  • Encouraging students to maintain clean surroundings and reduce waste.
  • Conducting awareness programs on wildlife conservation, environmental sustainability, and global challenges like deforestation and ozone depletion.
  • Organizing tree plantation programs to enhance greenery on campus.
  • Educating students on sustainable waste management practices.
  • Promoting energy conservation through awareness on efficient usage and renewable energy adoption.

Through these activities, the club empowers students and faculty to become responsible environmental stewards, working towards a more sustainable and eco-friendly future.


The "Environmental club" was formed in the college in 2009. The committee works towards creating awareness of the hazards of environmental pollution among the students and involving them in tasks to minimize wastage of water, usage of plastics and increase of green cover. The club’s motto is “Geethanjalites Go Green (GGG)”.


The objective of the Fine Arts and Cultural Club are:

  1. To develop sustain the aesthetic sense of students and to provide a platform to them to showcase their talents in Fine Arts.
  2. To develop a positive attitude in students towards others culture and tradition.
  3. To provide a platform to students and staff to get relief from the stress of the hectic academic schedule.
  1. To organize cultural events to commemorate Local, National and International days.
  2. To organize competitions in Fine Arts.
  3. To celebrate festivals.
  4. To organize workshops in Fine Arts that would equip the participants (students, faculty, staff and Class IV employees) to generate revenue.

We feel a campus poised on sheer scientific thrills requires a balancing dose of art and culture so that aesthetics and beauty around us are not forgotten. In this pursuit, the Fine Arts and Cultural Club organizes events, conducts competitions and celebrates festivals. Students are provided with adequate opportunities to understand the importance of living in harmony with each other for an ideal college, society and nation at large.

All events are organized meticulously and participated enthusiastically. The Covid 19 pandemic did not deter the Club from organizing the events. All events organized online.



ICT in Education

Information and Communication technologies (ICT) facilitate change in the mindset of both teachers and learners. It brings about improvements in the quality of education, when they are thoughtfully and strategically used. Interactive ICT tools such as PADLET, EDMODO, MURAL, Google Classroom and Quizziz used provided opportunities to have more meaningful discussions, interactive classes that deepens teaching learning process, more so in remote learning.