Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering

The Department of Civil Engineering started functioning from the year 2014 with a B. Tech program of 30 students. The department is equipped with state of art laboratory facilities in the areas of Structural Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Engineering Geology, Surveying, Hydraulics and Hydraulics Machinery. In addition the department has soft core labs in Pavement Analysis and Design, Geographic Information Systems. The department is also equipped with library in addition to a central library, with several volumes, titleos including e journals and print journals. The department is presently headed by Dr. Dr. V. V Praveen Kumar, Who has more than 5 years of teaching experience, 5 years of research experience.

The department has well qualified, experienced and committed faculty for teaching, research and consultancy works. Four of the faculty members are PhD degree holders in their fields of specialization from prestigious Institutions and six faculty members are pursuing PhD in their own area of specialization. All other faculty members are post graduates in engineering or technology from reputed institutions and University Colleges. Good numbers of our students are getting placements from the campus in various core and software companies.


The Civil Engineering Department Is Committed To Excellence, Quality, And Sustained Growth While Offering Our Students An Outstanding And Rigorous Education In An Environment That Supports Intellectual Growth While Meeting 21st Century Demands.

  • To provide high-quality educational experience for students in the field of Civil Engineering with strong emphasis on professional ethics, social and environmental responsibilities.
  • To provide infrastructure and facilities to meet the latest technological requirements.
  • To provide research opportunities for faculty and students.
  • To have a continuous interaction with Industry with an emphasis on R and D.
  • To produce engineers capable of critical thinking, devoted to lifelong learning, and highly sought after by employers.


Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) are broad statements that describe the career and professional accomplishments that the program is preparing the graduates to achieve within three to five years of graduation. The PEOs for Civil Engineering program are:

  • PEO 1: Graduates will be technically adept in mathematical, scientific, and engineering fundamentals to pursue their chosen profession or pursue advanced studies with a commitment to lifelong learning for professional development.
  • PEO 2: Graduates will be able to apply problem-solving skills to various engineering problems that involve management of medium-sized projects to large-scale projects using modern equipment or systems, and work on multidisciplinary projects in multicultural environment demonstrating interpersonal skills.
  • PEO 3: Graduates will exhibit creativity, innovation, and professional ethics with leadership qualities towards societal development.


Graduates of the Civil Engineering Programme will be able to:

Apply The Knowledge Of Mathematics, Science, Engineering Fundamentals, And An Engineering Specialization To The Solution Of Complex Engineering Problems.

Identify, Formulate, Review Research Literature, And Analyze Complex Engineering Problems Reaching Substantiated Conclusions Using First Principles Of Mathematics, Natural Sciences, And Engineering Sciences.

Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.

Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.

Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.

Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.

Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one's own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.


PSO1: Apply knowledge in core areas of Civil Engineering such as Structural, Geotechnical, Water Resources, Transportation and Environmental Engineering to Civil Engineering practice.

PSO2: Utilize Civil Engineering principles that are appropriate to produce detailed drawings, design reports, quantity and cost estimates, specifications, contracts and other documents appropriate for the design, construction, operations and maintenance of Civil Engineering projects.

PSO3:Shall interact and collaborate with stakeholders; execute quality construction works applying Civil Engineering tools namely, Total Station, Global Positioning System (GPS), ArcGIS, AutoCAD, STAAD and other necessary tools.

Faculty List

Click on Name for Profile

NameDesignationQualificationFaculty Registration ID
Dr. R. Prasanna KumarRegistrar, GCET , Professor B. Tech., ME (CE), Ph.D4623-161126-131853
Dr. V. V Praveen KumarAssociate Professor & HoDB.Tech., M.Tech, Ph.D6899-150426-124705
Dr. P. V. S. N. Pavan KumarAssociate ProfessorB.Tech., M.Tech., Ph.D7617-150420-164551
V. GouthamSr. Assistant ProffessorB.Tech., M.Tech. (Geomatics), 2955-160111-105027
G. RajuAssistant Proffessor B.Tech., M.Tech. (Transport Eng.), 8061-150408-143108
G. Sampath KumarAssistant ProffessorB.Tech., M.Tech. (Structural Eng.), 6677-150413-124546
D. Varun KumarAssistant ProffessorB.Tech., M.Tech. (SE), 6856-161213-115333
M. Srujan KumarAssistant ProffessorB.Tech., ME (TE), 4145-160105-102008
V. NavaneethaAssistant ProffessorB.Tech., M.Tech. (SE), 76150407-152104
Reena RanaAssistant ProffessorB.Tech. , M.Tech. (irrigation Water Man.), 1110-220124-144059
P. SupriyaAssistant ProffessorB.Tech. , M.Tech. (Structural Eng.), 36150405-104651
N. SrikanthAssistant ProffessorB.Tech., M.Tech. (Structural Eng.), 0382-240215-105359
G. R. Ravinder ReddyProffessorB.Tech. , M.Tech. (Geotech. Eng.), 3935-150414- 144910
Dr. N. MahendraAssistant ProffessorB.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D (Geology)4316-150410-112951
G.VimalaAssistant ProffessorB.Tech. , M.E. (Structural Eng.), 8085-201109-112956
S. No.Name of the Staff MemberQualificationDesignation
1D. Praveen KumarDCELab Assistant
2B. Prasada RaoITILab Assistant
3B. RaveendraITILab Assistant
4G. Bal ReddyITILab Assistant

Course Files and Lab Manuals

Compiling course files is a concept which had been there for many years in professional college. Geethanjali takes the concept of course file to a new level altogether.

Efforts have been made to prepare course files on every subject taught in all branches altogether. This huge stack of information is specially prepared by the respective faculty members with examinations in mind. A wide variety of questions are compiled catering to the comprehension of the weakest student to challenge the mind of the brightest student.

Not only are the efforts of Geethanjali towards compiling the best material but efforts of the same level are put into ensuring that the students access the information. Group ids are created for each class and the class representative receives this information which he/she passes it on to his/her classmates. All of them can access the information with the help of their username & password generated individually per student.

Along with important questions and answers generated unit wise there are nearly 50 multiple choice questions per unit which will aid the student in their online internal examinations. Not just this academic matter but our faculty also includes website addresses resourceful for their subjects, references and all possible lab viva questions.

The course files are updated every year and versions of it are released.

The laboratory manuals for each lab are generated with utmost care because at Geethanjali we understand the importance of applied knowledge. We realize that labs are real nests for acquiring knowledge and hence stringent measures are followed while designing them and scrutinized by the HODs before they reach the student. Along with the prescribed number of experiments, more number of experiments are added after consulting the industry requirements. The lab manuals help the student prepare their record and also come prepared for their lab sessions.

Laboratory Details

Strength of Materials Lab

Purpose: - This laboratory enables the students of II Year to gain practical experience in testing materials like wood, bricks, steel, concrete etc.

Major Equipment: Universal Testing Machine (UTM), Compression Testing Machine, Brinell's/ Rockwell Hardness, Spring Test Apparatus, Torsion Test Apparatus, Beam setup and Electrical Resistance Strain Gauge.

Research & Consultancy potential: To test the physical properties & strength of various engineering materials like wood, bricks, steel and concrete.

Surveying Lab

Purpose: This lab enables the students of II Year to gain practical experience of surveying using various surveying instruments

Major Equipment:Total stations, GPS, Theodolite, Auto-level.

Research & Consultancy potential:RAll survey works to fix levels, contours & layout plans can be prepared.

Engineering Geology Lab

Purpose:This lab enables the students of II Year to gain practical experience of Minerals & Rocks.

Major Equipment:Polarized Petrological Identification microscope, Clinometer and Electrical Resistivity Meter.

Research & Consultancy potential:Draw geological sections and interpret geological aspects such as folds, faults and unconformities. It also facilitates to suggest groundwater location in any locality.

Concrete Technology Lab

Purpose:This lab enables the students of II Year to gain practical experience to test materials like Concrete, Cement and aggregates.

Major Equipment:CTM 300 Ton capacity, Rebound Hammer, Ultrasound pulse velocity tester, Flexure testing machine, Brazilian/ Split tensile test apparatus, L Box, V funnel test apparatus, and Flow table.

Research & Consultancy potential:This lab facilitates to find the strength & durability of cement, concrete & aggregates.

Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machinery Lab

Purpose:This lab enables the students of II Year to gain practical experience to determine type of flow, coefficient of discharge through flow measuring devices, minor losses and study the characteristics of turbines and pumps.

Major Equipment:Pelton wheel turbine, Francis Turbine, Pumps, Water Hammer apparatus, Notches, Hydraulic Jump setup, Venturimeter, Orifice Meter, Bernoulli's Apparatus, Mouthpiece and Orifice, and Impact of Jet apparatus.

Research & Consultancy potential:Conduct various tests on flow measuring devices and pumps to obtain flow and hydraulic equipment characteristics.

Geotechnical Engineering Lab

Purpose:This lab enables the students of III Year to gain knowledge of index and engineering properties of soil like density, specific gravity, shear strength, and CBR.

Major Equipment: CBR Apparatus, Triaxial Test, Direct Shear Test, Unconfined compression testing machine, Consolidation test with 3 gang, Permeability and Vane shear apparatus.

Research & Consultancy potential:This Lab helps in providing sub-surface exploration report which involves conducting field and laboratory tests.

Transportation Engineering Lab

Purpose:This lab enables the students of III Year to gain practical experience in assessing the quality of materials used in pavement construction and compare with IRC specifications.

Major Equipment: Benkleman beam, Marshall stability, Los-Angeles Abrasion, Devals Attrition, Standard Penetrometer, Ductility apparatus, Softening point apparatus and Flash and Fire Point Apparatus.

Research & Consultancy potential:To find the characteristics of pavement construction materials like bitumen and aggregates.

Environmental Engineering Lab

Purpose:This lab enables the students of III Year to gain practical experience on testing of water and wastewater samples and to analyse the results and verify if the standards are met or not.

Major Equipment:UV Spectrophotometer, Vertical Autoclave, Jar Test Apparatus, BOD Incubator, COD Digestor, Oven, Muffle furnace, pH meters, Nephelometers, Conductivity meters and Dissolved Oxygen Analyzers.

Research & Consultancy potential:Testing of water and wastewater samples for community, Design of: Water and wastewater treatment plants, sewage or storm water collection systems, water distribution system, reclamation plants, and Desalination plants.

Computer Centre

The department of civil engineering has its own computer centre containing 60 systems with high configuration. Research & Consultancy potential: the available softwares can be used by students and faculty to carryout the project works, research and consultancy works.

Purpose:this lab enables students and faculty to conduct the practicals using the softwares.

Major Softwares/ Equipment:STAAD Pro, Arch GIS, Auto CAD, SAP, ANSYS and MX ROAD.


Research Paper Publications

Research Publications

Faculty Research Publications for academic year 2020-21
S.NoFaculty NameTitle of PaperName of the JournalInternational/ National Journal with Impact Factor, ISSN/ISBN Number & DOI
1Dr. R. Prasanna Kumar,ProfessorBehavior of pedestrians at mid-block while crossing the road and recommendation for providing exclusive pedestrian phase (Epp) at those locationsSolid State Technology, ISSN, 0038-111x, November 2020,SCOPUS Indexed
2Dr. P. Harsha Praneeth, Associate ProfessorVisualization and quantification of aggregate and fiber in self-compacting concrete using computed tomography for wedge splitting testArchives of Civil and mechanical Engineering, 20:139, SPRINGER, 10/1/2020
3i. G. Sampath Kumar, Assistant Professor ii. D. Varun Kumar,Assistant ProfessorStrength Properties of FRC Using Glass Fibre and PolypropyleneEuropean Journal, ISSN 2515-8260, December 2020, SCOPUS Indexed
4D. Ramachander,Assistant ProfessorDynamic Analysis of soft storied structureSolid State Technology, ISSN 0038-111x, December 2020,SCOPUS Indexed
5D. Varun Kumar, Asst. Prof., Kavya Tanda-17R11A0117, Nalla Spanadana-17R11A0131Case study on earthquake resistant structuresPublisher: Solid State Technology, Vol. 63, Issue 5, Year 2021.Scopus Indexed
Faculty Research Publications for academic year 2019-20
S.NoFaculty NameTitle of PaperName of the JournalInternational/ National Journal with Impact Factor, ISSN/ISBN Number & DOI
1Dr. P. Harsha Praneeth, Associate ProfessorA comparative study on the thermal behavior of PPC and OPC cementELSEVIER, Science Direct, Materials Today: ProceedingsSelection and Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Metallurgy, Materials Science and Manufacturing. Accepted 27 May 2020
2G.VaniSri, Assistant ProfessorNDE Techniques for In-Situ Concrete StructuresIOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN)ISSN (e): 2250-3021, ISSN (p): 2278-8719 Vol. 09, Issue 10, October. 2019, Series -IV, PP 44-48 UGC Indexed
3D. Varunkumar, Assistant Professor & G. Raju, Assistant ProfessorComparative Study of Partial Replacement of Cement with Ceramic Powder for M30 ConcreteJournal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control SystemsJournal submitted for acceptance SCOPUS Indexed
4D. Ramachander, Assistant Professor, & P. Supriya, Assistant ProfessorIntegration of Materials used in Ancient Structures for present day ConstructionInternational Journal of Advanced Science and TechnologyJournal submitted for acceptance SCOPUS Indexed
Faculty Research Publications for academic year 2018-19
S.NoFaculty NameTitle of PaperName of the JournalInternational/National Journal with Impact Factor, ISSN/ISBN Number & DOI
1Y.Rajesh Kumar, Asst. Prof.Comparative study of base isolators and viscous fluid dampers on seismic response of Rc structures.International journal of Civil engineering and technologyISSN : 0976-6316, Volume 9,SCOPUS Indexed (2018), Journal. H index: 0 Impact Factor: 4.29.
2Y.Rajesh Kumar, Asst. ProfEffect of aluminum shear yielding dampers on the seismic response of RC structuresJournal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control SystemsISSN 1943-023X, Volume10, Issue 6, Pp: 107-116, Journal. H index:0 , SJR: 0.11- SCOPUS Indexed-2018
3D.Ramachander Asst.Prof. & P. Supriya Asst. Prof.Seismic Response of Indian Designed Five Storey Structure with World Earthquake Ground MotionsJournal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control SystemsISSN 1943-023X, Volume10, 6 Special Issue, Pp- 2475-2481, Journal. H index: 1, SJR: 0.11- SCOPUS Indexed-2018
4D.Kishore babu, Asst.Prof.Damage assessment curves for RC framed structures under seismic loadsInternational journal of Civil engineering and technologyISSN 0976-6316, Volume9, Issue 8, Pp-1769-1782, Journal. H index: 0 Impact Factor: 4.29-SCOPUS Indexed-2018
5D.Varun Kumar, Asst. Prof.Study And Development of Various Concrete Structures with Various Mixtures GGBS, Fly Ash and other Component Mixtures.International journal of Civil engineering and technologyISSN 1943-023X, Volume10, 13 Special Issue, Pp- 2072-2077, Journal. H index: 0, SJR: 0.11-SCOPUS Indexed-2018
6Y.Rajesh Kumar, Asst. Prof.Comparison of Response Spectrum time history analysis and matched time history method in zone 5 and zone 4 earthquake zones of Multistoried building as per IS 1893-2016International Journal of Recent Technology and EngineeringISSN 2277-3878, Volume 7, Issue 6S5, Pp- 2072-2077,Journal. H index: 0, SJR: Impact Factor: 5.92-SCOPUS Indexed-2019
7D.Ramachander, Asst. Prof.Stabilization of Structures in seismic areas subjected to different ground motionsInternational Journal of Recent Technology and EngineeringISSN 2277-3878, Volume 7, Issue 6S5, Pp- 2023-2029, Journal. H index:0 , SJR:Impact Factor: 5.92-SCOPUS Indexed -2019
Faculty Research Publications for academic year 2017 – 18
S.NoFaculty NameTitle of PaperName of the JournalInternational/National Journal with Impact Factor, ISSN/ISBN Number & DOI
1. Y. Rajesh KumarEffect of shear wall area to floor area ratio on seismic response of reinforced concrete structuresInternational Journal of Civil Engineering & TechnologyISSN 0976-6316, Volume 9, Issue 4, Pp: 844-852,Impact factor: 10.78-SCOPUS Indexed,(April 2018)
2. G. Raju & R. AshwiniStudy on soil stabilized low volume roads by using coir fibre reinforced with cement.International Journal of Engineering Science InventionISSN 2319-6734, Volume 7, Issue 3, Pp- 46-54, Impact factor: 5.962-UGC APPROVED, (March 2018)
3. Dr. K. R. C. ReddyIssues in use of TMD in controlling the response of RC ChimneysInternational ConferenceProceedings of International Conference on Advances in Construction materials and structures, (March 2018)
4. K.DivyaRain water Conservation techniques for Osmania University CampusInternational SeminarInternational Seminar on "Water Scarcity-Possible water wars in future.( March 2018 )
5. G. VanisriStructural safety and Rehabilitation of old residential building-A case studyNational ConferenceInnovations in Civil Engineering Through Sustainable Technologies ( February2018 )
6. G. Sampath KumarEffective use of steam cured recycled aggregate materials in conventional concreteInternational ConferenceIAARE ( February 2018 )
7. D. RamachanderStrength development of concrete by replacing cement with GGBSInternational journal of creative research thoughtsISSN -2320-2882, Pp-32-36, Impact foctor: 5.97-UGC APPROVED,(December 2017)
8. P. Neeraja & Y. Rajesh KumarSite Suitability analysis for location of sewage treatment plantInternational Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering TechnologyISSN 2321-9653,Volume 5, Issue 12, Pp-1185-1195, Impact Factor: 5.974-UGC APPROVED (December 2017)
9. J. Sreenivas PrasadStrengthening of concrete using different fibersInternational journal of creative research thoughtsISSN 2320-2882, Pp- 21-25, Impact foctor: 5.97-UGC APPROVED (December 2017)
10. P. Srikanth ReddyPerformance of concrete using coconut shellInternational journal of creative research thoughtsISSN 2320-2882, Pp- 2072-2077, Impact foctor: 5.97-UGC APPROVED, (December 2017)
11. P. Supriya & D. RamachanderGround Granulated Blast Slag in ConcreteInternational Journal of ResearchISSN 2348-6848, Volume 4, Issue 14, Pp- 2218-2228, Impact Factor: 5.6-UGC APPROVED-(November 2017)
12. D. RamachanderDynamic Analysis of Five Storey Structure for various Ground MotionsInternational ConferenceProceedings of 13th International Conference on Vibration Problems organized at IIT-Guwahati ( November 2017 )
13. V. GouthamApplication of GIS and Remote Sensing in Transportation EngineeringInternational Journal of Science and Advance in TechnologyISSN 2395-1052, Volume 3, Issue 10, Pp- 364-365,Impact Factor: 5.888-UGC APPROVED (October 2017)
14. D. RamachanderSeismic Response of Indian Designed Five Storey Structure With World Earthquake Ground MotionsInternational ConferenceInternational Conference on Earth Sciences & Engineering, ( ICEE-2017) at Andalas University, Padang, Indonesia.(August 2017)
15. Y. Rajesh KumarSeismic performance of reinforced concrete structures using shear wallInternational Journal of ResearchISSN 2348-6848, Volume 5, Issue 7, Pp- 1829-1825, Impact Factor: 5.6, UGC APPROVED (March 2018)
16. G.Hema lathaSeismic performance of RC building with Jaketing on Beam Column JointsAnveshana's International Journal of Research in Engineering and Applied sciencesISSN 2455-6300, Volume 2, Issue 10, Pp- 235-240, Journal. H index:0 -UGC APPROVED -2017

Research Publications Presented in Journals and Conferences in the Last Four Academic Years

S.NoName of the facultyTitle of Research PublicationInternational/ National JournalName of the Journal/ ConferenceDate of Publication/ Presentation
1P.Ram Mohan Rao (with M.Krishnaveni and D.Rama Devi )A High Performance Clock Gated Flipflops Design Using Auto Gating TechniqueInternationalInternational Journal & Magazine of Engineering,Technology,management and Research, Vol.2, Issue No.9.Sep 2015
2P.Ram Mohan Rao ( with P.Naresh and B.Ramya )Implementation of Novel High Radix Multiplier Using KOGGE Stone Adder,"InternationalAn International Journal & Magazine of Engineering,Technology,Management and Research,Vol.2, Issue No.8, pp 1468-1473.Aug 2015
3P.Ram Mohan Rao ( with J.Kishanlal and SuhailAfroj Mohammad )High Speed Floating Point Rns based Mac Unit using Vedic Multiplier,InternationalAn International Journal & Magazine of Engineering,Technology,Management and Research, Vol.2,Issue No.8, pp 1222-1227Aug 2015
4P.Ram Mohan Rao (with M. Divyasree and N.Aravind)Implementation of Optimized Reconfigurable Built-in Self-Repair Scheme for RAMs in SOCsNationalYuva Engineers, Vol.4, Issue No.8,pp 16-21July 2015
5P.Ram Mohan Rao ( with K.Srikanth and N.Raj Kumar ),A Novel High Radix Booth Multiplication Algorithm for High Speed Arithmatic Logics,InternationalAn International Journal & Magazine of Engineering,Technology,Management and research, Vol.2,Issue No.6, pp610-616, June 2015
6P.Ram Mohan Rao (with J Sravan Kumar and Ch. Nishanthi)Optimized Multiplier Using Reversible Complex MultipliersInternationalAn International Journal & Magazine of Engineering, Technology, Management and Research, Vol.2, Issue No.6,pp 138-143, June 2015.
7P.Rammohan Rao (with N.Aravind and M.Divyasree)Implementation of Optimized Reconfigurable Built-in Self-Repair Scheme for RAMs in SOCsInternationalAn International Journal & Magazine of Engineering, Technology, Management and Research,Vol.2,Issue No.6,pp 131-137June 2015
8P.Ram Mohan Rao (with T.V. Singh and K.KumaraSwamy),Design and Implementation of Aging -Aware Reliable Multiplier by Using Booth AlgorithmInternationalAn International Journal & Magazine of Engineering, Technology, Management and Research,Vol.2,Issue No.5,pp 288-293, May 2015.
9P.Ram Mohan Rao (with D Ravindra Reddy and D Rama Devi)A Novel Architecture for Booth Multiplier Using MCSLA and CBLInternationalAn International Journal & Magazine of Engineering, Technology, Management and Research, Vol.2, Issue No.6, 252-258.May 2015
10P.Ram Mohan Rao (with K.Vamsi Krishna and Dr.Venkateswara Reddy)Municipal Solid Waste Management using Landfills in Hyderabad cityInternationalInternational Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, Vol.4, Issue 2, pp 1047-1054,.Feb 2015
11P.Ram Mohan Rao ( with V.Vijay Kumar )Digitalization of Library Resources and the Formation of Digital Libraries : A Practical ApproachInternationalInternational Journal & Magazine of Engineering, Technology, Management and Research, Vol.1, Issue No. 12, pp 69-71, Dec 2014
12P.Ram Mohan Rao ( with V.Vijay Kumar and J.PraveenKumar ),Enactment Exploration of Cloud Structure for Virtual PcsInternationalYuva Engineers, Vol.3, Issue No. 12, pp 22-24, Nov 2014.
13S. Hari KiranAn overview of Green Building and Sustainable design with an emphasis on LEEDNational"The Institution of Engineers" JournalSep 2013
14D. Kishore BabuExperimental Investigation on Performance of Concrete with GGBS as admixture at complete replacement of fine aggregate with steel slag. NationalACEID-2014, 6-7.Pp.49-55.Feb,2014.
15P.Supriya"An Efficient design and analysis of column-beam system & slab-wall system in concrete building"InternationalInternational journal of Global Innovations, Vol-3, Issue 1July 2015
16P.SupriyaExperimental Investigation of M40 grade on self compacting concrete using Mineral admixtures InternationalInternational journal of Advanced Research foundation, Vol-3 , Issue-2February 2016
17P.Supriya and G.RajuReplacement of river sand with rock dust at higher gradesInternationalIJTIMES, ISSN No: 2455-2585, Vol 2, Issue 12December 2016
18S. SusmitaKinematic and Bearing capacity of Strip footing under non-homogenous groundNationalIndian journal of geosynthetics and ground improvementSep, 2014
19D.RamchanderEffect of GGBS and silica fumes on the compressive strength of concreteInternationalIJCEIR, ISSN 0245-5868, Vol-1, Issue-5July 2015
20D.RamchanderReview on crack propogation in platesInternationalIJSETR, ISSN 2319-8885, Vol-4, Issue-54, Pg 11561-11563Dec 2015
21D.RamchanderHigh strength concreteInternationalIJSETR, ISSN 2319-8885, Vol-5, Issue-8, Pg 1591-1593April 2016
22D.RamchanderA study on no cement concreteInternationalIJCEIR, ISSN 0245-5868, Vol-5, Issue-7, Pg 6188-6195July 2016
23D.RamchanderExperimental study on High performance concrete using MetakaolinInternationalIJRI, Vol-3, Issue-2, Pg:1401-1402April 2016
24D.Ramchander and B. Kowshik ReddySeismic Disaster MitigationInternationalIJTIMES, issn:2455-2584, Vol-2, Issue-8Aug 2016


FDPs/Workshops/Guest Lectures

Expert Lecture
Academic Year: 2020-21
S. No.Resource personsDesignation, AddressDateTopic
1Mr. NikhilManaging Director, BIM grafX Academy24-08-2020Building Information Modelling
2Mr. Sandeep BhandariDeputy Managing Director, Time institute28-08-2020Changes, Challenges & Opportunities in GATE
3Er. Lokeshwar ReddyDeputy General Manager,Utracon Structural Solution Pvt Ltd24-12-2020Post Tensioned Slabs
4Mr. NVL Krishna PrakashStar Educator,South India Civil Engineering Head,Unacademy.09.01.2021"Awareness on GATE"
5Mr. P. Sai CharanTrainer, Canter CADD, ECIL, Hyderabad17.03.2021,FN: 9.00am- 12.30PmETABS-Software
6B. SanthoshManager, Canter CADD, ECIL, Hyderabad17.03.2021, AN: 1.30pm-3.30pmREVIT-Software
7Prof. M. R. MadhavIIT Kanpur24.03.2021,AN: 2.30pm- 4.00pmGeotechnical Challenges-Case Histories
8Dr. Rajesh SathyamurthiIIT Kanpur31.03.2021, FN: 10.30am- 12.30PmGround Improvement by Geo Synthetic Encased Stone Columns
9Shyamala DeviTrainer, CAD DESK05.04.2021Role of Software's in Civil Engineering field
10K. Madhusudan ReddyProfessor,Anurag University, Hyderabad29.05.2021,Time: 11.00am to 12.30pm"Importance of Site investigation in Civil Engineering"
Academic Year: 2019-20
S. No.DateTopicTarget GroupResource persons, Designation, Address
105-08-2019Carries opportunities in Civil EngineeringIII -Year, CEMr. P. Ram Jagadesh, Director, MVS academy
206-02-2020Applications of Hydraulic and Hydraulics Machinery in Civil EngineeringII -Year, CEDr. N. Suresh Kumar, Professor, University College of Engineering, Osmania University
313-02-2020Awareness on Design of StructuresIII -Year, CEMr. G. Shiva Rami Reddy, Director, LSB Temerity Infra Pvt. Ltd.
Academic Year: 2018-19
S. No.DateTimeTopicTarget GroupResource persons, Designation, Address
108-08-201810.30am -1.00pmApplications of Fluid MechanicsII -Year, CEDr. N. Nelson, Osmania University, Hyd.
215-09-20182.00pm -4.00pmPavement materials and characteristicsIII -Year, CEProf. R. Sreenivasa Kumar,Structural Consultant
324-01-20199.50pm -12.20pmComplex StressesII -Year, CEProf. A. Nelson,Structural Consultant
425-01-20199.50pm -12.20pmBuilding information modellingIII -Year, CEMr. K. Sreekanth, Chief Consultant, S design consultancy, Hyd.
Academic Year: 2017-18
S. No.DateTimeTopicTarget GroupResource persons, Designation, Address
122-01-201810.00am -1.00pmPrinciple stresses and strainsII -Year, CEProf. A. Nelson,Structural Consultant
222-01-20181.30pm -3.30pmEngineering Mechanics (Dynamics of Particles)I -Year, CEProf. A. Nelson,Structural Consultant
319-01-20181.00pm -4.00pmGeospatial Techniques in decision makingIV -Year, CEDr. K. Jayachandra,Regional Director, Centre for Environment and Development, GOI
418-01-20182.00pm -4.00pmQuality management in constructionIV -Year, CEDr. Sheshadri Shekar, Dean, NICMAR Hyd-Campus
528-10-201710.00am- 4.00pmElements & Vision of Civil EngineeringIII -Year, CEDr. P. V. Dilip Kumar, Associate Professor, Mahendra Ecole Centrale
623-08-201710.30am- 1.00pmRemote sensing & GISIV -Year, CE1. Dr. J. Saindranath, Scientist G (NRSC) & 2. B. Shanthisree,Scientist F (NRSC)
708-11-201711.00am-1.00pmWater Resources EngineeringIII -Year, CEDr. K. Subramanya, Professor, IIT Kanpur
Academic Year: 2020-21
S. No.Name of the FacultyDuration of WorkshopTopicOrganized by
1Dr. R. Prasanna Kumar27.07.2020 to 01.08.2020Faculty Development Program, Emerging Tools for Design and Analysis of Sustainable RoadsV N R VignanaJyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology
2Dr. R. Prasanna Kumar07.08.2020Webinar, Perpetual Pavements for Sustainable InfrastructureM V S R Engineering College, Hyderabad
3S. Hari KiranNearly 10 hours so far.Refresher Course,NPTEL Videos on Water resources EngineeringNPTEL
4D Divya Vani08-10-2020Worksho,Construction projects management with innovative tools &techniquesSRM institute of science &technology
5D Divya Vani27-08-2020,TO 29-08-2020Faculty Development ProgramSustainable EngineeringSri Vidyanikethan Engineering College
6B. Kowshik Reddy27-Aug-20Webinar, IGBC-Green guidelines for fast track and Emergency facilities treating COVID-19 IGBC
7V. Navodaya27-29 August 2020Faculty Development ProgramSustainable StructureVidyanekethan Engineering college,
8. V. Navodaya17-22 August 2020Faculty Development ProgramSustainable StructureVignan Barathi College
Academic Year: 2019-20
S. No.DateTopicTarget GroupResource persons, Designation, Address
126-07-2019 to 27-07-2019Hands on experiences with Plaxis 2DCE- IV -Year and FacultyMr. K. Vineeth Reddy, Mr. B. K. Huchegowda, Research scholars, NITW
210-08-2019Geometrical design and road safety audit of highways - A practical approachCE -III -Year and FacultyMr. K. Mallikarjuna Rao, Mr. N. Sivath Kumar, THISA Consultancy
314-09-2019Industrial workshop on AUTO CADIV -Year, CERaster Engineers Pvt. Ltd.
428-01-2020Sustainability as a Table Stake for StudentsI- Year, CEMr. S. Srinivas, Principal Advisor, IGBC
Academic Year: 2018-19
S. No.DateTimeTopicTarget GroupResource persons, Designation, Address
110-12-2018 & 13-10-20189.00 - 3.30Auto Cad-CivilCivil III yearMr. B. Santhosh, Canter CAAD, Hyderabad
211-02-2018 & 11-03-20189.00 - 3.30GIS and its Applications in Civil EngineeringCivil IV yearMr. M. N. Bazi Reddy, Prof.
Training Programs
Academic Year: 2019-20
S. No.DateTimeTopicTarget GroupResource persons, Designation, Address
108-01-2020 To 07-03-202060 hours durationREVIT-Architecture, Software TrainingCE- III yearMr. M. Masood., Canter CAAD, Hyderabad
Academic Year: 2018-19
S. No.DateTimeTopicTarget GroupResource persons, Designation, Address
14-12-2018, 5-12-2018, & 12-06-20189.00 - 3.30STAAD Pro. Software TrainingFaculty of Civil EngineeringMr. M. Uday Kumar Yadav, Trainer, CAD DESK, Hyderabad
2March to May 18-3-2019 (15 Days)9.00 - 3.30REVIT Software TrainingCivil III yearMr. M. Masood., Canter CAAD, Hyderabad


Student Participation in Inter- Institute Events

S. No. Student Name Event Name with DatePlace/CollegeRemarks
1Bhagvan Feroz, 19R15A0112Strength of Material Online Quiz, 28.07.2020Visvesvaraya College of Engineering & Technology-
2Y. Mahender, 18R11A01B7Model Exhibition, 12.03.2020GCETII-Prize
3Y. Mahender, 18R11A01B7Maintenance of Online Classes for GCET, (6 Months) GCET-
4V. Pallavi Reddy, 18R11A01B6Challenges and Opportunities in Civil Engineering, 11.06.2020Vaageshwari College Engineering & Technology, Karimnagar-
5V. Pallavi Reddy, 18R11A01B6Formwork Design & Safety Aspect- Webinar, 22.05.2020 to 26.05.2020College of Engineering Pune-
6V. Pallavi Reddy, 18R11A01B6 Online Quiz on Basic Physics, 7/1/2020Khammam Institute of Technology & Sciences-
7S. Likhitha Rao, 17R11A0139 Online Quiz on Building Materials, Project Planning & Management ,03.06.2020 Welfare Institute of Science & Technology, A.P.-
8S. Likhitha Rao, 17R11A0139Genius 2.0, Online Aptitude Contest, 13.06.2020IEEE Computer Society, GCET-
9Nari Vivek, 17R11A0132Web Development Program on Progate, 09.08.2020Web Development Program on Progate, Hyderabad.-
10Nari Vivek, 17R11A0132R Programming, 24.07.2020Coursera-
11Nari Vivek, 17R11A0132Quiz on R Programming,22.08.2020IEEE Student Branch, NSAKCET-
12Dasari Bhargava, 17R11A0158 Scavenger Hunt,13.03.2020VIBGYOR- GCETI- Prize
13V.J. Elizabeth Rani, 18R11A01B5Auto CAD Online Quiz, 25.05.2020-30.05.2020Malineni Perumallu Educational Society, Guntur-
14V.J. Elizabeth Rani, 18R11A01B5Online Quiz, 7/1/2020Nagpur Institute of Technology-
15V.J. Elizabeth Rani, 18R11A01B5Online Quiz on Surveying & Transportation Engineering, 25.05.2020Aravali Institute of Technology Studies, Udaipur-
16V.J. Elizabeth Rani, 18R11A01B5Online Quiz, 21.05.2020Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pune-
17V.J. Elizabeth Rani, 18R11A01B5Webinar on "Interest & Time Value of Money in Construction", 16.05.2020East West Institute of Technology, Bengaluru-91-
18V.J. Elizabeth Rani, 18R11A01B5Webinar on Handling, Management and Recycling of Bio Medical Waste, 04.07.2020Vignan Bharathi Institute of Technology-
19V.J. Elizabeth Rani, 18R11A01B5"Being Employable: Construction Industry Perspective", 18.05.2020Indian Concrete Institute, Bangalore-
20V.J. Elizabeth Rani, 18R11A01B5 International Webinar on Health Monitoring Service Life Prediction, Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures, 08.05.2020 to 10.05.2020Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi-
21V.J. Elizabeth Rani, 18R11A01B5Formwork Design and Safety Aspect, 22.05.2020 to 26.05.2020College of Engineering, Pune-
22Varsha Mekala, 18R11A0197"Being Employable: Construction Industry Perspective", 18.05.2020Indian Concrete Institute, Bangalore-
23Varsha Mekala, 18R11A0197International Webinar on Health Monitoring, Service Life Prediction, Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures, 08.05.2020 to 10.05.2020Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi-
24Anish Kormatha, 18R11A0187International Webinar on Health Monitoring, Service Life Prediction, Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures,08.05.2020 to 10.05.2020Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi-
25Anish Kormatha, 18R11A0187"Being Employable: Construction Industry Perspective", 18.05.2020Indian Concrete Institute, Bangalore-
26Pallavi Reddy Vusike, 18R11A01B6Webinar on "Challenges and Opportunities", 11.06.2020Vaageswari College of Engineering-
27Pallavi Reddy Vusike, 18R11A01B6Formwork Design and Safety Aspect, 22.05.2020 to 26.05.2020College of Engineering, Pune-
28M. Rakesh Reddy, 18R11A0134Measure the TreasureBhaswara- 2020, GCET, 13.03.2020I -Prize
29M. Sampath, 18R11A0136Measure the TreasureBhaswara- 2020, GCETI -Prize
30M. Jayanth, 16R11A0148 Study the structureBhaswara- 2020, GCETI -Prize
31MA.Sohail, 16R11A128Study the structureBhaswara- 2020, GCETI -Prize
32Vamsi Mohan, 17R11A0187Puzzle HuntBhaswara- 2020, GCETII -Prize
33MD. Sadhik, 17R11A0127Puzzle HuntBhaswara- 2020, GCETI -Prize
34A. Vamshi, 17R11A0104Puzzle HuntBhaswara- 2020, GCETI -Prize
35M. Sampath, 18R11A0136Model ExhibitionBhaswara- 2020, GCETI -Prize
36K. Sanketh Raj, 18R11A0162 Model ExhibitionBhaswara- 2020, GCETI -Prize
37K. Anish, 18R11A0187Model ExhibitionBhaswara- 2020, GCETII -Prize
38M. Varsha, 18R11A0197Model ExhibitionBhaswara- 2020, GCETII -Prize
39K. Sai Kiran, 19R15A0109Model ExhibitionBhaswara- 2020, GCETII -Prize
40A. Sri Charan, 17R11A0105Poster PresentationBhaswara- 2020, GCETI -Prize
41V.Sai Pallav, 17R11A0196 Poster PresentationBhaswara- 2020, GCETII -Prize
42A. Vijay Kumar, 17R11A0150Poster PresentationBhaswara- 2020, GCETII -Prize
43Vineela, 17R11A0121Paper PresentationBhaswara- 2020, GCET-
44Mahalaxmi, 18R150A0104Paper PresentationBhaswara- 2020, GCET-
45Ch. Kalyani, 17R11A0109Paper PresentationBhaswara- 2020, GCET-
46Spandana Reddy, 17R11A0131Paper PresentationBhaswara- 2020, GCET-
47V. Rishikesh, 18R15A0110CADATHONBhaswara- 2020, GCETI- Prize
48Ch. Mani Krishna Reddy, 16R11A01A8CADATHONBhaswara- 2020, GCETII- Prize
49V J Elizabeth Rani, 18R11A01B5Importance of Vishwa International Internship Program 2021, 26.01.2021Vishwaniketan, Mumbai, Maharashtra -
50V J Elizabeth Rani, 18R11A01B5Image Processing 10.01.2021IEEE Computer Society, GCET-
51Mekala Varsha, 18R11A0197Water-Conserve to serve, 22.03.2021Precedency University, Karnataka-
52K. Kruthika, 18R11A0130Poster & Video making competition, 17.06.2021Unnath Bharat Abhiyan-
53K. Sai Rohith, 19R11A0181Poster & Video making competition, 17.06.2021Unnath Bharat Abhiyan-
54A.Sandeep, 19R11A0101Poster & Video making competition, 17.06.2022Unnath Bharat Abhiyan-
55J. Arun Reddy, 19R11A0126Poster & Video making competition, 17.06.2023Unnath Bharat Abhiyan-
S. No. Student Name Event Name with DatePlace/CollegeRemarks
1M. Jayanth 16R11A0148GATE-2020NCB-GATE, for MHRDQualified
2A. Sri Charan 17R11A0105Chhatra Viswakarma Awards 24.02.2020New Delhi, AICTEParticipation
  Poster Presentation 13.03.2020Bhaswara-GCET1st Prize
3Ch. Kalyani 17R11A0109Chhatra Viswakarma Awards 24.02.2020New Delhi, AICTEParticipation
   Paper PresentationBhaswara-GCET1st Prize
4V. Rishikesh 18R15A0110CadathonBhaswara-GCET1st Prize
5G Nikhel 17R11A0114WE Hub Hyderabad city police Hackathon (4-5 Jan, 2020)Sri Kotla Vijaya Bhasker Reddy Indore StadiumShortlisted for the development of the project.
6M Vikas 17R11A0123WE Hub Hyderabad city police Hackathon (4-5 Jan, 2020)Sri Kotla Vijaya Bhasker Reddy Indore StadiumShortlisted for the development of the project.
7Nari Vivek 17R11A0132WE Hub Hyderabad city police Hackathon (4-5 Jan, 2020)Sri Kotla Vijaya Bhasker Reddy Indore StadiumShortlisted for the development of the project.
 Nari Vivek 17R11A0132Webinar on "The Bridges" (13.06.2020)Mohamed Sathak AJ college of Engineering, New DelhiParticipation
 Nari Vivek 17R11A0132Brain Logistics, Blinding Materials, Project Planning & management (03.06.2020)Welfare Institute of Science, Technology & ManagementPassed with 95% (Appreciation)
8N Spandhana 17R11A0131 Paper Presentation Bhaswara-GCETParticipation
9S. P. Benjamin 17R11A0184Basket BallBhaswara-GCETRunner
10R. Saketh 17R11A0180Basket BallBhaswara-GCETRunner
11K. Manish 17R11A0165Basket BallBhaswara-GCETRunner
12K. Sanketh Raj 17R11A0162Basket BallBhaswara-GCETRunner
13R Anil 18R15A0108WE Hub Hyderabad city police Hackathon, (4-5 Jan, 2020))Sri Kotla Vijaya Bhasker Reddy Indore StadiumShortlisted for the development of the project.
14M. Neelima 18R11A0137Model presentationBhaswara-GCETParticipation
15R. Usha 18R11A0148Model presentationBhaswara-GCETParticipation
16Prathyusha 18R11A0140Model presentationBhaswara-GCETParticipation
17C.V Dikshitha 18R11A0110Model presentationBhaswara-GCETParticipation
18P. Nikhil Sai 18R11A0142Model presentationBhaswara-GCET1st Prize
19P. Sairam 18R11A0141Model presentationBhaswara-GCETParticipation
20K. Shivani 18R11A0127Model presentationBhaswara-GCETParticipation
21U. Harsha 18R11A0156Model presentationBhaswara-GCETParticipation
22M. Sampath 18R11A0136Model presentationBhaswara-GCET1st Prize
24S. Pavan 18R11A0150Product Analysis 04.03.2020NEN E WEEK GCETParticipation
25R. Karthik 18R11A0145Product Analysis 04.03.2020NEN E WEEK GCETParticipation
26Y. Shree Charan 18R11A0159U Design 04.03.2020NEN E WEEK GCET1st Prize
27E. Sudarshan 9R15A0103Hardcoure Entrepreneur 04.03.2020NEN E WEEK GCET1st Prize
28K. Pratham 18R11A0129Product Analysis 04.03.2020NEN E WEEK GCETParticipation
29M. Varsha 18R11A0197Model presentationBhaswara-GCETParticipation
30K. Anish 18R11A0187Project PresentationBhaswara-GCET2nd prize
31V. J. Elizabeth 18R11A01B5Model PresentationBhaswara-GCETParticipation
32V. J. Elizabeth 18R11A01B5Poster PrsentationBhaswara-GCETParticipation
33B .Roshini 19R11A0104Haiko 13.03.2020Alfamatica -GCET3rd prize
34B. Pravallika 19R11A0106One Day Workshop on Design Thinking 07.09.2019GCETParticipation
35B. Madhavan 19R11A0107BBR Blood Bank (Blood Donation Camp) 15.02.2020GCETParticipation
36C. Meena 19R11A0110One Day Workshop on Design Thinking 07.09.2019GCETParticipation
37D. Aishwarya 19R11A0116Alfagenie and HaikoAlfamatica - GCET3rd prize
38G. Krishnaveni 19R11A0119Treasure HuntBhaswara- GCET2nd prize
39K. Vijay Kashyap 19R11A0127BBR Blood Bank (Blood Donation Camp) 15.02.2020GCETParticipation
40M. Jaswanth 19R11A0129BBR Blood Bank (Blood Donation Camp) 15.02.2020GCETParticipation
41N. Swetha 19R11A0131One Day Workshop on Design Thinking 07.09.2019GCETParticipation
42P. Omesh 19R11A0134BBR Blood Bank (Blood Donation Camp) 15.02.2020GCETParticipation
43P. Anand 19R11A0135Vibes 2020(Javelin Throw)GCET3rd prize
44R. Omkar 19R11A0138BBR Blood Bank (Blood Donation Camp) 15.02.2020GCETParticipation
45Bal Raj 19R11A0148Vyshaahika 14.03.2020GCETParticipation
46D.Mahendranath 19R11A0154Ash Brick Exp.12.03.2020 Blood Donation 15.02.2020GCET BBR Blood BankParticipation
47Sai Chandh 19R11A0155Vyshaahika 14.03.2020GCETParticipation
48E Sravan 19R11A0156Blood Donation 15.02.2020GCET BBR Blood BankParticipation
49K Sumanth 19R11A0160Poster Presentation 14.03.2020Vyshaahika- GCET1st prize
50K Deepthi 19R11A0161Poster Presentation 13.03.2020Bhaswara- GCET2nd prize
51K Yagnoosha 19R11A0162Blood Donation 15.02.2020GCET BBR Blood BankParticipation
52M Rohith 19R11A0167Blood Donation 15.02.2020GCET BBR Blood BankParticipation
53M Dharani 19R11A0172Poster PresentationBhaswara- GCET2nd prize
54P Poornima 19R11A0179Poster PresentationBhaswara - GCETParticipation
55Sridhar Vali 19R11A0184Blood Donation 15.02.2020GCET BBR Blood BankParticipation
56W Tarun 19R11A0187Blood Donation 15.02.2020GCET BBR Blood BankParticipation
57G. Krishnaveni 19R11A0119Treasure HuntBhaswara- GCET2nd prize
58P. Sairam 18R11A0141Model presentationBhaswara-GCETParticipation
S. No.Name of the studentEventDate/ YearName of the program and organizerAwards
1. A. Thilok ReddyTEDx Hyderabad22-09-2019Limitless- TEDx HyderabadAppreciation
2. S. J. NamrathaWorkshop2nd - 3rd Aug 2019Two day workshop on Waste to Wealth- JNTUHParticipated
3. Ch. RamyaWorkshop2nd - 3rd Aug 2019Two day workshop on Waste to Wealth- JNTUHParticipated
4. M. RamyaWorkshop2nd - 3rd Aug 2019Two day workshop on Waste to Wealth- JNTUHParticipated
5. S.Jahnavi ReddyWorkshop2nd - 3rd Aug 2019Two day workshop on Waste to Wealth- JNTUHParticipated
6. K. Sri charanWorkshop2nd - 3rd Aug 2019Two day workshop on Waste to Wealth- JNTUHParticipated
7. Ch KalyaniWorkshop2nd - 3rd Aug 2019Two day workshop on Waste to Wealth- JNTUHParticipated
8. K.ReshmaWorkshop2nd - 3rd Aug 2019Two day workshop on Waste to Wealth- JNTUHParticipated
9. K.V.N.V. Snigdha SreeWorkshop2nd - 3rd Aug 2019Two day workshop on Waste to Wealth- JNTUHParticipated
10. N.SpandanaWorkshop2nd - 3rd Aug 2019Two day workshop on Waste to Wealth- JNTUHParticipated
11. D.BhargavaWorkshop2nd - 3rd Aug 2019Two day workshop on Waste to Wealth- JNTUHParticipated
12. M. Rakesh GoudWorkshop2nd - 3rd Aug 2019Two day workshop on Waste to Wealth- JNTUHParticipated
13. I.V.K.Revanth NaiduWorkshop2nd - 3rd Aug 2019Two day workshop on Waste to Wealth- JNTUHParticipated
14. K.V.Sai TanayWorkshop2nd - 3rd Aug 2019Two day workshop on Waste to Wealth- JNTUHParticipated
15. V. VaishnaviWorkshop2nd - 3rd Aug 2019Two day workshop on Waste to Wealth- JNTUHParticipated
16. P. RoshanWorkshop2nd - 3rd Aug 2019Two day workshop on Waste to Wealth- JNTUHParticipated
17. K.ManishFoot ball6 th to 10th January 2020Sports Bout-2019-Anurag Group of Institutions2nd prize
18. P.Ranjit KumarVolley ball6 th to 10th January 2020Sports Bout-2019-Anurag Group of InstitutionsParticipated
19. Chaitanya KapoorBasket ball6 th to 10th January 2020Sports Bout-2019-Anurag Group of InstitutionsParticipated
20. Paul BenjaminBasket ball6 th to 10th January 2020Sports Bout-2019-Anurag Group of InstitutionsParticipated
21. R. Lakshmi Sai PriyaTresuraze1st Oct 2k19ELECTRIKA 2K19, GCET.Participated
22. NavyaTresuraze1st Oct 2k19ELECTRIKA 2K19, GCET.Participated
23. JayanthTresuraze1st Oct 2k19ELECTRIKA 2K19, GCET.Participated
24. P.AlekyaIdeathon1st Oct 2k19ELECTRIKA 2K19, GCET.Participated
25. N.VivekPaper presentation27-28 Dec-2019IMME19, NIT, TiruchunapalliBest paper
S. No.Name of the studentEventDate/ YearName of the program and organizerAwards
1. T. NarenderPlankathon19-01-2019Hyderabad Plankathon- Life CykulParticipated
2. T. NarenderSymposium03-03-2019Recent Advances in Sustainable Waste and Waste water Engineering-IIT HyderabadParticipated
3. T. NarenderTechnical Fest22nd -24th Feb 2019ELAN & NVISION 2019 - IIT HyderabadParticipated
4. T. NarenderWorkshop15-02-2019Alkali activated earth building products utilizing non-organic solid wastes- IISC BangaloreParticipated
5. T. NarenderVibrance'19 Marketing15-03-2019Vibrance'19-VIT Vellore, ChennaiAchievement(Campus Ambassador)
6. T. NarenderInternship20th Nov 2018- 15th Feb 2019Megalith- IIT KharagpurParticipated
7. T. NarenderWorkshop9-11th August 2018Good practice construction practices, TKR Engineering College, HyderabadParticipated
8. T. NarenderYouth camp for boys14-07-2019SRADHA, Vivekananda Institiute of Human Excellence, HyderabadParticipated
9. Ch. Ramya TejaICI Student Summit22nd -23rd Feb 2019ICI Student Summit on "Concrete Careers" -Vardhaman College of Engineering, HyderabadParticipated
10. V. VaishnaviICI Student Summit22nd -23rd Feb 2019ICI Student Summit on "Concrete Careers" -Vardhaman College of Engineering, HyderabadParticipated
11. A. Sai Kumar ReddyICI Student Summit22nd -23rd Feb 2019ICI Student Summit on "Concrete Careers" -Vardhaman College of Engineering, HyderabadParticipated
12. M. JayanthICI Student Summit22nd -23rd Feb 2019ICI Student Summit on "Concrete Careers" -Vardhaman College of Engineering, HyderabadParticipated
13. S. J. NamrathaICI Student Summit22nd -23rd Feb 2019ICI Student Summit on "Concrete Careers" -Vardhaman College of Engineering, HyderabadParticipated
14. V. RishikeshWorkshop ON Quantity Surveying21st & 22nd Feb 2019Two Day Workshop on " Quantity Surveying"- TKRCET, HyderabadParticipated
15. D. MahendarVolley ball - tournament1st & 2nd Feb 2019Padma Bhushan Dr B V Raju Memorial State Level Tournament -2019 - BVRIT, HyderabadParticipated
16. D. MahendarVolley ball - tournament4th & 5th Jan 2019Sports Bout -2018, Anurag group of Institutions.Participated
17. P. Ranjith KumarVolley ball - tournament1st & 2nd Feb 2019Padma Bhushan Dr B V Raju Memorial State Level Tournament -2019 - BVRIT, HyderabadParticipated
18. S. NageshWorkshop on ETABS28th&29th Sep 2018CIVILIZATION-2018- CBIT, HyderabadParticipated
19. S. NageshTechnical Fest (Coordinator)03-08-2019Bhaswara-2K19- GCET, HyderabadAppreciation
20. S. NageshTechnical Fest (Poster Presentation)1st & 2nd March 2019Nirmaan 2k19- UCEOU, HyderabadParticipated
21. K. MaheshVolley Ball20th -22nd Dec 2017Volley ball state level Engineering Premier league, CVR College of Engineering, HyderabadParticipated
22. P. Ranjith KumarVolley ball - tournament4th - 5th Jan 2019Sports Bout 2018- A national Level Sports Festival- Anurag Group of Institutions, HyderabadParticipated
23. P. Ranjith KumarKabaddi - tournament4th - 5th Jan 2019Sports Bout 2018- A national Level Sports Festival- Anurag Group of Institutions, HyderabadParticipated
24. P. Ranjith KumarEntrepreneural Summit17.02.2019Launchpad-2019, BITs PilaniParticipated
25. P. Ranjith KumarVIBGYOR VIBES8-9th Mar 2019Geethanjali College of Engineering & TechnologyParticipated
26. P. Ranjith KumarVolley ball - tournamentVIBES 2019Geethanjali College of Engineering & Technology1st prize
27. P. Ranjith KumarVolley ball - tournament2018-19State level premium league CVR College of Engineering1st prize
28. R. KalyaniPaper presentation28-29th Sep 2018Civilisation-2K18 -CBIT, HyderabadParticipated
29. B. Malavika SaiPaper presentation28-29th Sep 2018Civilisation-2K18--CBIT, HyderabadParticipated
30. N. VivekPaper presentationSymposium -2K18Technical Symposium -2K18-Mega Engineering College, HyderabadParticipated
31. M. VikasPaper presentationSymposium -2K18Technical Symposium-Mega Engineering College, HyderabadParticipated
32. K. R. AnsariPaper presentation28-29th Sep 2018SUDHEE-2K18-CBIT, HyderabadParticipated
33. M. AbhishekModel- O- Mania28-29th Sep 2018SUDHEE-2K18-CBIT, HyderabadParticipated
34. G. SanthoshPaper presentation28-29th Sep 2018SUDHEE-2K18-CBIT, HyderabadParticipated
S. No.Name of the studentEventDate/ YearName of the program and organizerAwards
1. S. NageshTechnical Fest (Coordinator)03-09-2018ALFAMATICA-2K18- GCET, HyderabadParticipated
2. Athirek Jadav SinghDance Competition09-11-2017Scintillators, SNIST HyderabadII Prize
3. M. GokulBadminton-Shuttle(Doubles)2nd - 4th Sep 2017Bhega's High School Academy, HyderabadII Prize
4. M. GokulBadminton-Shuttle(Singles)30-10-2017 to 04-11-2017Garuda Academy, HyderabadII Prize
5. G. SangramChess Competition10-12-2017JNTU, HyderabadParticipated
6. K. ManishNational Swimming Competition26th-30th Oct 2017Punjab University,ChandigarhParticipated
7. T. NarendraQuiz Competition18th - 19th Dec 2017Shiva Shivani Institute of ManagementParticipated
8. T. NarendraYouth of India-The game changers12.01.2018IGNITING MINDS International Foundation, RK Matt, HyderabadParticipated
9. T. Narendra3D Printer11.01.2018ROBOKART, GCET, HyderabadParticipated
10. T. NarendraTechnical Quiz13-14th Oct 2017Bhaswara 2017, GCETParticipated
11. K.JayanthAssembling & Dis Assembling23,24th Mar 2018MANOTRON'18, GCET, HyderabadParticipated
12. K.JayanthCo ordinator9, 10 Mar 2018VIBGYOR VIBES, GCET, HyderabadParticipated
13. K.JayanthGroup DanceVIBGYOR-2018VIBGYOR-2018, GCET, HyderabadI Prize
14. M. AbhishekTechnical Fest(CADOVATION)15-16th sep 2017Civilizations 2017, CBIT, HyderabadParticipated
15. J.Harish KumarNational conference proceedings NCESTFOSSDec-17KG Reddy College of Engineering & TechnologyParticipated
16. K.Bharat KumarNational conference proceedings NCESTFOSSDec-17KG Reddy College of Engineering & TechnologyParticipated
17. S.Bhanu KishoreNational conference proceedings NCESTFOSSDec-17KG Reddy College of Engineering & TechnologyParticipated
18. A Sravan KumarNational conference proceedings NCESTFOSSDec-17KG Reddy College of Engineering & TechnologyParticipated
19. P.Indra TejaNational conference proceedings NCESTFOSSDec-17KG Reddy College of Engineering & TechnologyParticipated
20. G.NikilNational conference proceedings NCESTFOSSDec-17KG Reddy College of Engineering & TechnologyParticipated
21. Y.V.Mohan ReddyNational conference proceedings NCESTFOSSDec-17KG Reddy College of Engineering & TechnologyParticipated
22. P.Naveen KumarNational conference proceedings NCESTFOSSDec-17KG Reddy College of Engineering & TechnologyParticipated
23. P.SurendarNational conference proceedings NCESTFOSSDec-17KG Reddy College of Engineering & TechnologyParticipated

Conferences Papers

Bhaswara 2020

The 14th National Level Technical and Management fest was held on 12th and 13th March 2020. Sri Madhusudhan Jhunjhunwala Founder at G. S. Business Services Pvt. Limited is the chief guest. The department of Civil Engineering has organized seven events. The particulars of winners are indicted below.

Faculty co coordinator's: Mrs. G. Vanisri, Mrs. D. Divya Vani

Student Main Coordinators: S. Likhitha Rao, K. Sanketh Raj

S. No.Event Name Faculty Event CoordinatorStudent Event Co-OrdinatorPrizeStudent NameBranch and Year
1Measure the TreasureDr. N. Mahendra, D. Kishore BabuS. Sahithya, L. Alekhya, R. Rakesh RajIM. Rakesh ReddyII-Civil
    IM. SampathII- Civil
    IIM. SrinivasI- ECE
    IIK. Kowshik RamI- ECE
2Segregate the aggregateM. Srujan Kumar, B. Prasad RaoN. Naveen, D. PragathiIPratapI-MBA
    IIAbhijith MukerjeeI-MBA
3Bob the BuilderS. Gowtham, P. Harsha PraneethV. Elizabeth RaniIN. Nikil GoudII-Civil
    IG. BhargavII-Civil
    IIK. SuprajaII-Civil
    IIBhanu PrakashII- Civil
4Study the StructureG. Raju, G. Sampath Kumar, P. SupriyaM. Abhishek, S. Mounika, U. HarshaIM. JayanthIV- Civil
    IMA. SohailIV-Civil
    IIS. DivyaVI-Pharm D
    IIN. SoumyaVI-Pharm D
5Puzzle HuntD. Ramachander, D. Varun KumarD. Bhargava, B. Akshita, D. CelienaIM. SatvikIII- Civil
    IA.VamshiIII- Civil
    IIBhargavIV- Mech
    IIVamshi MohanIII-A Civil
6Model ExhibitionDr. K. R. C. Reddy, K. Priyanka, G. Sampath KumarG. Pavan Kumar, R. Saketh Reddy, N. PrathyushaIM. SampathII- Civil
    IK. Sanketh RajuIII-Civil
    IP. NikilIII-Civil
    IIK. AnishII-Civil
    IIM. VarshaII-Civil
    IIK. SaikiranII-Civil
7Poster PresentationV. Abdul Raffi, S. Tirupathi RaoS. Jahnavi Reddy, R. Sai Prasanna, Y. MahenderISricharan AIII-Civil
    IIV. Sai PallavIII-Civil
    IIVijay Kumar. A.III-Civil
8CadathonY. BhavanaS. Paul Benjamin, K. SharmadaIV. RishikeshIII-Civil
    IICh.Manikrishna ReddyIV-Civil
9Paper PresentationDr. R. Prasanna Kumar, S. Harikiran, S. GowthamG. Santhosh, N. Spandana, M. VarshaICh. KalyaniIII-Civil
    IIHarini. B.II-Civil
Modal Expo 2019

The department of Civil Engineering has conducted an Modal Expo on 25th October 2019 under Civil Engineering Technical Association for all the B. Tech four year students to showcase their talent in the field of civil engineering. Students with great enthusiasm and energy have participated in the event. As part of the modal presentation, some of them are “Recycling of Rain water”, “Phyto remediation”, “Root zone depth”, “self decomposing”, “hemp create”, “Automated irrigation with soil moisture”.

Graduation Day 2019

The college Graduation Day was organized on 3rd August 2019. The second outgoing batch (2015-2019) of Civil Engineering department students shared the stage along with students of other departments and Pharm. D. students.

S NoYearRoll NoName% Rank
1I18R11A01B5V J Elizabeth Rani9.35 GPAI
18R11A01B1S Sai Roopa9.28GPAII
18R11A0110G. Shruthi9.18GPAIII
2II17R11A0150A. Vijay Kumar9.71 GPAI
17R11A0136B. Kalyani9.54 GPAII
17R11A0123M. Vikas9.38 GPAIII
3III16R11A0147K. Megana Sai9.64 GPAI
16R11A0148M. Jayanth9.64 GPAI
17R15A0101B. Karthik8.83 GPAII
16R11A01B9I. V. K. Revanth Naidu8.79 GPAIII
4IV15R11A0145V. Bindhu73.33%I
15R11A0105Ch. Rachana73.33%II
15R11A0178P. Bhanu Kumar72.74%III
Freshers Day 2019

Civil Engineering Department of GCET organized a lavish Fresher's welcome party for the batch of 2019-20 within the college premises on 31st August 2019.

Orientation Day 2019

The Fresher's orientation program was organized by GCET on 2nd August 2019 in campus. As part of B. Tech program the students of Civil Engineering department have actively participated in two week ‘Induction Program’. The students were addressed and motivated by various eminent speakers from different organizations.

Civil Engineering Technical Association- CETA

The Department level technical festival was organized on 17th March 2018. The Department of Civil Engineering as a part of CETA-2018, has organized several technical events. about 150 students from B. Tech II, III & IV year have participated in the events to showcase their skills. The List of events organized, corresponding faculty Coordinators and the student teams and the prize winners are given in the following table:

S. NoEventFaculty coordinatorsStudent coordinatorsPrize Winners
1Paper PresentationD. RamachanderV. Jithender1st: A. Prashanth & K. Santhosh
  G. HemalathaD. Shiva Teja2nd: H. Vamshi & K. Akash
    3rd: G. Pavan Kumar
2Poster PresentationG. Raju L. Varnika1st: P. Karthk & M. Pavan Kumar
  P. Srikanth ReddyM. Pavan Kumar2nd: B. Divya Krishna & K. Vineetha Reddy
3DebateB. Kowshik ReddyC. Rachana1st: M. Jayanth & Group
  D. Varun Kumar  
  K. Priyanka  
4Technical QuizY. Rajesh KumarV. Anirooth1st: C. Rachana & V. Bindhu
  P. SupriyaM. Jayanth
Graduation Day 2018

The college Graduation day was organized on 12th July 2018. The first outgoing batch ( 2014-2018) of Civil Engineering department student s shared the stage along with students of other departments. The guests on the occasion were Sri. Raghu Rao (Head of Business development, Peer Nova) and Sri. Kumar Mynampati ( Associate Vice President, Infosys) along with Sri. G. R. Ravinder Reddy ( Secretary, Geethanjali Group of Institutions) and Prof. Udaya Kumar Susarla ( Principal- GCET) and Dr. M. Ravi Kumar (Principal-GCP).

S NoYearRoll NoName% Rank
1I17R11A0150A. Vijaykumar9.75 CGPAI
17R11A0136R. Kalyani9.58 CGPAII
2II16R11A0148M. Jayanth9.42 CGPAI
17R15A0101B. Karthik9.42 CGPAI
17R15A0110Ch. Karthik9.42 CGPAI
16R11A0157Ch. Ramya9.38 CGPAII
3III15R11A0145V. Bindhu66.48%I
15R11A0120K. Lingaraju66.40%II
4IV14R11A0182Y.V Mohan Reddy82%I
14R11A0119M. Manorama reddy78.20%II
Fresher's Day 2018

Civil Engineering Department of GCET organized a lavish Fresher's welcome party for the batch of 2018-19 within the college premises. Fresher's party is all about welcoming newcomers in a friendly atmosphere, making the best start to the new academic year and a time to create everlasting relationships with each other. The event is indication of the union among the students. With pulsating ambience, flashing lights and foot tapping music, the party began with a blast. All the events were artistically and beautifully presented and the audience were kept enthralled by mind blowing performances of dances, songs and mimicry. Freshers loved the welcome and appreciated the whole-hearted efforts of their seniors. It is said that a good start signifies a great end, and the freshers could not have asked for the better kick off.

Orientation Day 2018

The Fresher's orientation program was organized by GCET on 16th July 2018 in campus. The chief guest of the program Prof.C. Nageshwar Rao addresed the newly joined students who were accompanied by their parents. The heads all the departments were introduced to the gathering by the Principal Dr. Udaya Kumar Susarla. The students and paernts were familiarized with the facilties available in the college. The chairman and principal clarified thye doubts of parents and studnets regarding the placements and gave the concluding remarks.

As part of B. tech program the students of Civil Engineering department have actively participated in three week 'Induction Program'. The students were addresed and motivated by various eminent speakers from different organizations.

Bhaswara 2017

The College national level technical festival was organized during 13-14 October 2017. The Department of Civil Engineering as a part of Bhaswara, has organized several technical and non-technical events. About 200 students from various colleges have participated in the events to showcase their skills. The list of events organized, the corresponding faculty co coordinators and the student teams and the prize winners is given in the following table:

Sl.No.EventFaculty CoordinatorsStudent CoordinatorsPrize Winners
1Project PresentationY. Rajesh Kumar.Aditya Sharma1st: K. Sanket
B. Kowshik ReddyM. Ramya2nd: M. Abhishek & K. Rafe
2Paper presentationS. HariKiranY. V. Mohan Reddy1st: Ch. Kalyani
G. Raju, V. GouthamG. Pavan Kumar2nd: Anirudh
3Poster PresentationD. RamchanderB. Mahendra Vardhan1st: Prashanth
D. Varun KumarS. Shravanthi2nd: D. Pavan Kumar
4DebateK. Praveen Kumar.S. Sai Raghav1st: G. Satya Dev& Group
K. PriyankaM. Jayanth2nd: Sheetal and Group
5Technical & General QuizP. NeerajaShaik Shameera1st: K. V. Vinay Kumar & P. Swetha
P. SupriyaK. Revathi2nd: D. Priyanka & B. Aruna
6Bridge Mock UpG. Sampath Kumar.Ch. Shivasai Reddy1st: B. KiranKumar & M. Srinivas
D. HarithaP. Jasmen2nd: Md. Abbas & R. Vihari Prakash
  3rd: H. Manikrishna & G. Manoj

The rules and regulations were given to all the participants well in advance, and all the events were organized successfully. The entire student community of the department and the faculty were involved in the organization of events. The department is indebted to Prof Vijay Bhasker Reddy of CMR Technical campus for judging the events.

Fresher's Day 2017

was organized on 19th August 2017 as a customary to welcome the I year students to the department. The II-year students and the faculty members were involved in organizing the event. It includes the interaction of first year students with senior students and the faculty.

Orientation Day 2017

was organized on 24th July 2017. The newly admitted students and their parents have participated and visited the various labs and facilities available in the department. The faculty have involved in appraising them of various facilities and activities of the department.



Group No.Students Name of the GuideTitle of the project Prize
 S. NoHT No. Name of the student    
CAYm2 2017-18
1114R11A0117  K. KeerthikaS. Hari Kiran, Assoc.ProfExperimental Studies on Rubberized Self Compacting ConcreteI
214R11A0119  M. Manorama Reddy
314R11A0145  V. S. Nikhitha
414R11A0128  N. Uday Kumar
2114R11A0182 Y. V. MohanReddyB. Kowshik Reddy, Asst.ProfEvaluation of Concrete Strength by Non-Destructive Testing. II
214R11A0155 B. Vasantha Kumar
315R15A0101 Nellutla Dinesh
415R15A0109 G Sai kumar
CAYm1 2018-19
3115R11A0120 Kolluri Linga Raju Dr.S.S.Phani, ProfessorAutomated irrigation systemI
215R11A0139 Poola Sainath
315R11A0103 Banoth Sai Kumar
4115R11A0163 K Pranava GayathriS.Hari Kiran, Assoc.ProfEnvironmental impact and assessment on hussain sagar lake in hyderabadII
215R15A0176 Narsing Naga Rani
315R11A0155 D. Vinay Kumar
CAY 2019-20
5116R11A0183 Ch. VedamithraV. Goutham, Asst.ProfStructural and functional analysis of white topping overload pavementsI
216R11A0158 P. Karthik Reddy
317R15A0120 Sk. Nagur Basha
6116R11A0148 M. JayanthV. Abdul Raffi, Assoc.ProfAlteration of index and engineering properties of Black cotton soil by Saw dustII
216R11A0149 A. Vamshi Krishna
317R15A0109 U. Bharath

Professional Bodies

Faculty members of Civil Engineering department are the members of the following professional societies:
  • Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE)
  • Indian Geotechnical Society (IGS)
  • Indian Road Congress (IRC)
  • Institution of Engineers-IE(I)
  • Indian Concrete Institute (ICI)
  • Indian Society for Wind Engineering (ISWE)
  • Indian Society of Earthquake Technology (ISET)

The ISTE Chapter Was Established At Geethanjali College Of Engineering & Technology In 2011 With Institute Membership Number IM 2061. Every Year ISTE Chapter GCET Conducts Various Events Such As Expert Lectures, Workshops, Seminars, Industrial Visits, Etc. To Assist Staff And Students For Updating Their Technical Knowledge.

List of registered faculty members of Civil Engineering Department in ISTE:

S. No.Name of the FacultyProfessional Body
1Dr. R. Prasanna KumarLMISTE
2V. Abdul RaffiLMISTE
3S. Hari KiranLMISTE
5D. RamachanderLMISTE
6P. SupriyaLMISTE
7V. GouthamLMISTE

Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) student's chapter was started in the campus on 24.01.2019. The main objective of this chapter is to inspire, instill and imbibe ‘green approach’ for sustainable tomorrow. As part of the chapter, IGBC authorities have provided state of art literature on various areas pertaining to green technologies. Presently an open elective course on green building is offered to the B.Tech students of various branches. This course is offered by civil engineering department. A few projects were also carried by students of B.Tech civil engineering such as “Auditing of buildings for green rating”. It is proposed to conduct workshop on green technologies, green materials in association with IGBC Hyderabad in the near future. A few industrial visits are also planned for the students in collaboration with IGBC.

List of registered faculty members of Civil Engineering Department in other professional bodies:

S. No.Name of the FacultyProfessional Body
1.Dr. R. Prasanna KumarIRC
2.Dr. R. Prasanna KumarIGS
3.Dr. K.R.C ReddyIE
4.Dr. K.R.C ReddyIE(I)
5.Dr. K.R.C ReddyICI
6.Dr. K.R.C ReddyISWE
7.Dr. K.R.C ReddyISET
8.V. Abdul RaffiICI
9.K. PriyankaIGS

List of registered students of Civil Engineering Department in ISTE

Academic Year 2019-20
S. No.Roll No.Name of the student
119R11A0173Munigeti Prudhviraj
219R11A0101Ajmeera Sandeep
319R11A0182Shaik Mohammed Riaz
419R11A0152Devala Akash Yadav
519R11A0162Koluguri Yagnoosha Bandhavi
619R11A0161Kattela Deepthi
719R11A0167Malleboina Rohit
819R11A0178Pamu Aravind Kumar
Academic Year 2018-19
S. No.Roll No.Name of the student
118R11A0161Aditya Narvate
218R11A0194Maredukonda Sai Karthika
318R11A0195Matta Tharpani
418R11A0171Darga Preetham Kumar
518R11A0147Ramidi Snigdha
618R11A01B1S Sai Roopa
718R11A0166Bacha Akhila
818R11A01A5Pankuntla Akshaya
918R11A0110C Venkata Sri Dikshita
1018R11A0140Nandivelugu Prathyusha
1118R11A0119Gadipally Shruthi
1218R11A01A8Pendli Chandana
1318R11A0199Mohammed Yaseen
1418R11A0187Kormatha Anish
1518R11A01A0Mutpuri Akhil Gupta
1618R11A0120Gokavarapu Sai Hanisha
1718R11A0172Domathoti Celina Grace Harrison
1818R11A0197Mekala Varsha
Academic Year 2017-18
S. No.Roll No.Name of the student
117R15A0122Thaneer Narender
216R11A0185Pusala Sai Saketh Goud
316R11A0183Panneeru Karthik
416R11A0158Chinthoju Veda Mithra
516R11A0176Marupakula Pavan Kumar
617R15A0121G.Sai Kumar
716R11A0161Gaddikoppula Pavan Kumar
816R11A01A8Chada Manikrishna Reddy
916R11A0157Ch. Ramya Teja
1016R11A0187S. Saran
1117R15A0120Shaik Nagur Basha
1216R11A01B0I V K Revanth Naidu

Employability Skills Imparted

Centre for Advancement of Career and Human Excellence (CACHE) is the department of the college responsible for Career Guidance, Training, Placement and Entrepreneurship development. It is a unique initiative of Geethanjali. Its features are

  • Was started in 2005
  • Deals with Career Guidance, Training, Placements and Entrepreneurship
  • With the intention of enhancing the students understanding of employability.
  • Training imparted to students from their freshman year.
  • Trained to be an asset to their employers.
  • Various innovative methods of teaching are implemented
  • A special syllabus is planned keeping in view the industry requirements and constraints of regular syllabus.
  • Focus is on Communication Skills, Aptitude, and Soft Skills, developing the Confidence of Students, improving their Body Language, inculcating Creativity and into making them responsible individuals.
  • A special collection of books is maintained at CACHE to draw students to books and the healthy habit of reading.
  • Forging fruitful and mutually beneficial linkages with industries and professional organizations.
  • Getting live projects as well as providing placement assistance to its students.
  • By organizing key guest lectures and seminars.

The College gives utmost importance to improving the quality of the graduate student as this is an important aspect of the mission of the college. To that end, we spend considerable amount of time talking with students about their career and professional goals, concerns, and suggestions for improving their learning experience. Since its inception, the college has been continuously striving its best in working towards enhancing the professional culture to serve the needs of an ever-changing and dynamic learning community in an exemplary manner. The college has a Training & Placement cell (T&P cell) which guides the students on all aspects of career planning, job searching, and post-graduate studies. The objective of the cell, inter alia, are:

  • To offer career guidance programs and to provide assistance and resources to support students in making real life connections to academic learning.
  • To enable students to gain the skills, ability and confidence to transit successfully to further studies/work/self-employment or any other activity in which he/she lands deliberately or unwittingly.
  • To provide services which expose students to infinite possibilities available in their future; to equip them with the tools they need to plan for future endeavors and to provide continued support and encouragement that they need to be successful in career as well as life.
  • To enable students to evaluate various career options and embark on their career path to meet their interests by showing them how to assess their interests and talents.
  • To help find answers to the following questions which pester students:
    • Do I meet the entrance requirements of places of higher education?
    • Can I afford to study further?
    • Will I find a job in my chosen field and place?
    • Should I take a gap/break after college?
    • Are some places better to study than others?
    • Is my degree internationally recognized?
    • Will my job earn me the money to live the lifestyle I desire?

Finding answers to these questions is easy if one has a good understanding of himself/herself and his/her choice of careers. It is possible to find a career path for each individual which draws on their strengths and builds on areas requiring improvement.


To strengthen the interaction between Industry and Students, Faculty of Civil Engineering department kept memorandum of understanding with different industries for providing internships to the students, Project works, Industrial visits, Industrial trainings and Consultancy works etc,.

MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) with

  • THISA CONSULTANCY LLP on 10.8.2019
  • LSB TEMERITY INFRA Pvt. Ltd on 31.8.2019
  • Canter CADD, Hyderabad on 15.03.2019
  • CADD Centre, Hyderabad on 24.04.2019

Industry Institute Interaction

A.Y. 2020-21

Location:Cheeryal, Hyderabad

Faculty Accompanied:Dr. P. Harsha Praneeth,G. Sampath Kumar,D.Ramachander

Participants: B. Tech III year students of Civil Engineering Department

Report:Detailing of Slab and beams were shown to students.

A.Y. 2019-20

Location:Kukatpally, Hyderabad

Faculty Accompanied:Dr. K. R. C. Reddy, Mr. D. Ramachander

Participants:B. Tech IV year students of Civil Engineering Department

Report:The Students were explained about the plan and elevation of the structure by giving them the overall plan of the structure in advance itself. Later students were shown about the reinforcement of the slab. There was a very good conversation went between the students and Director of LSB Temerity Pvt. Ltd, Mr. P. Siva Rami Reddy about the structural details and the practical problems of civil engineer during the execution of plans.

Location:Hitech City, Hyderabad

Faculty Accompanied:Dr. N. Mahendra, Mr. G. Raju, Mr. D. Kishore Babu, Mr. M. Srujan, Ms. P. Supriya and Mrs. D. Divya Vani

Participants:B. Tech II year students of Civil Engineering Department

Report:The Students were explained about the plan and elevation of the structure by giving them the overall plan of the structure in advance itself. Later students were shown about the reinforcement of the slab. There was a very good conversation went between the students and Director of LSB Temerity Pvt. Ltd, Mr. P. Siva Rami Reddy about the structural details and the practical problems of civil engineer during the execution of plans.

Location:GSI, Hyderabad.

Faculty Accompanied:Dr. N. Mahendra, Mrs. D. Divya Vani, Ms. K. Divya

Participants:B. Tech II year students of Civil Engineering Department

Report:The students practically studied different types of rocks such as Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic and different types of Minerals at the departments of Petrology, Minerology and Paleonotology pertaining to GSI.

Location:Kaleshwaram, Bhoopalapally, Telangana

Faculty Accompanied:Mr. V. Goutham, Mr. G. Raju, Mr. D. Ramachander and Ms. P. Supriya

Participants: B. Tech III year students of Civil Engineering Department

Report:Students and faculty visited the following sites of Lower Manair Dam (LMD),
Kannepalli pump house,
Annaram barrage,
Sri Ranganayaka Sagar Reservoir and Sri Kaleshwara Mukthishwara Swamy temple.

A.Y. 2018-19

Location:Ghatkesar, Hyderabad

Faculty Accompanied:Mr. V. Goutham, Mrs. D. Divya Vani, Mrs. S. Susmita, Mr. B. Kowshik Reddy, Ms. P. Supriya

Participants:B. Tech II year students of Civil Engineering Department

Report:The students practically studied the machinery involved in the preparation of concrete ready mix, the sieving techniques, the process of preparation of concrete ready mix, the associated material testing laboratory, etc.

Location:Ghatkesar, Hyderabad

Faculty Accompanied:Mr. V. Goutham, Mrs. D. Divya Vani, Mrs. S. Susmita, Mr. B. Kowshik Reddy, Ms. P. Supriya

Participants:B. Tech II year students of Civil Engineering Department

Report:The students practically studied the stone crushing machinery, the process of stone crushing, process of grading the crushed stones into different sizes, etc.

Location:Uppal, Hyderabad.

Faculty Accompanied:Dr. N. Mahendra, Mrs. G. Vanisri, Dr. S. S. Phani and Ms. K. Divya

Participants:B. Tech II year students of Civil Engineering Department

Report:The students practically studied different types of rocks such as Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic and different types of Minerals at the departments of Petrology, Minerology and Paleonotology pertaining to GSI.

Location:Jeedimetla, Hyderabad

Faculty Accompanied:Dr. K. R. C. Reddy, Dr. John Oral Bhaskar, Prof. S. Tirupati Rao, Mr. V. Goutham and Ms. K. Divya.

Participants: B. Tech IV year students of Civil Engineering Department

Report:Demonstration on various NRSC organizations such as ISRO, Satish Dhawan Space Centre etc., and the works carried out at various organizations were given to the students. After the demonstration a quiz was conducted on basics of Remote sensing techniques. Video on satellite launching procedure from the first phase of procurement of assembling parts to the final stage of launching the rocket was presented. Later, the students were taken to the satellite image exhibition in which various satellite images of different resolutions and models of satellites were displayed. The exhibition helped the students to understand the techniques of remote sensing technology and convert it into the way the end user needs.

Location:Ghatkesar, Hyderabad

Faculty Accompanied:Dr. S. S. Phani, Mr. D. Rama chander, Ms. D. Divya Vani, Ms. K. Priyanka, Ms. G. Vanisri, Mr. B. Prasad Rao and Mr. K. Dasarath.

Participants:B. Tech III year students of Civil Engineering Department

Report:Students were shown three types of constructions at single site, among which Pre-Cast Construction & Earthquake Resistant Building Construction were explained in detail. Later students were taken to casting unit of Steel sections, where students were exposed to the real time rolled steel sections such as I- Sections, Channel Sections, etc. This visit helped students to improve their practical knowledge.

Location:Narsingi, Hyderabad

Faculty Accompanied:Mr. V. Goutham, Mr. G. Sampath Kumar, Mrs. Vani sri and Mr. B. Prasad Rao.

Participants:B. Tech IV year students of Civil Engineering Department

Report:The Construction of Function Hall by using Pre-Cast Method was illustrated to the students which included:

  • The Pre-Cast panel members of different shapes & sizes used for the construction of Function hall.
  • The load distribution mechanism of different panel members after installation at their location based on design.
  • The Columns & Beams and their alignment at the joints.
  • Filling sealant material “Seika” to fill the gap between each pair of Pre-Cast member joint.
  • Precautions to be taken while erecting the Pre-Cast members at the site. Brief introduction on manufacturing process of Pre-Cast members.
  • The visit helped the students in understanding Pre-Cast construction process.

A.Y. 2017-18

Location:KSR Cemex Reddy Mix/Crusher, Ghatkesar

Faculty Accompanied:Mr. B.Kowshik Reddy, Mr. P.Srikanth Reddy, Mrs. V.Navaneetha.

Participants:B.Tech. II/II Year Students of Civil Engineering Department (120 No's).

Report:The Students have visited the KSR Cemex Ready Mix/Crusher, Ghatkesar , Hyderabad , to understand the concept of Mix Design.

Location:KSR Cemex Reddy Mix/Crusher, Ghatkesar

Faculty Accompanied:Dr. P.Rammohan Rao, Mrs. R.Ashwini, Ms. M.Sathyavidhyadari.

Participants: B.Tech. II/II Year Students of Civil Engineering Department(120No’s)

Report:The Students have visited the Survey of India , Uppal, Hyderabad , to understand the Ancient and Modern Surveying Instruments(Its Working procedure) .

Location:Sewage Treatment Plant, Amberpet, Hyderabad.

Faculty Accompanied:Mr. G. Sampath Kumar, Mrs. V. Navaneetha

Participants:B.Tech. II/II Year Students of Civil Engineering Department (120 No's).

Report:The Students have visited the above sites to understand the sewage treatment plants practically.

Location:Shiva Jyothi Shilpa Shala - A Stone Dressing Unit.Hyderabad.

Faculty Accompanied:Mr. K. Praveen Kumar, Mrs. V. Navaneetha

Participants:B.Tech. III/I Year Students of Civil Engineering Department (120 No's).

Report:The Students have visited the above sites to understand the suitability of various rocks in construction industry. Types of rock characteristics. Quarrying process of rocks and their polishing process.Various tools and equipment used for polishing & dressing.

Location:Nagarjuna Sagar Dam

Faculty Accompanied:Mr. S.HariKiran Mr. K. Praveen Kumar, Ms. M.Kavitha.

Participants:B.Tech. IV/I Year Students of Civil Engineering Department (100 No's).

Report:The Students have visited the above sites to understand the Reservoir and its catchment area. Intake structure, Dam body, Location of spillways, spillway gates and their operation. Drainage and Inspection galleries, Stilling basins, Penstocks and powerhouse, Left main canal and Right main canal.


  • Department was established in the year 2014 offering B.Tech in Civil Engineering with an intake of 120. Currently, intake is 60.
  • B.Tech Civil engineering program has been accredited by NBA in the year 2021 and is valid up to June 2024.
  • Four Batches of students have graduated till July 2021
  • Department has ten well equipped laboratories. Notable equipment includes high quality Total Stations, Non-destructive testing equipment and electrical resistivity meter. In addition, software, namely, perpetual licence of Bentley systems bundle software available along with other software.
  • Department has currently 20 qualified faculty. (Professor-02, Associate Professor-02, Assistant Professor-16).
  • Collaboration with five industries through MoUs, facilitating students for internships, workshops and site visits.
  • Organized Faculty Development Programs (FDPs) in emerging areas of Civil Engineering. Many of our faculty members participate in various FDPs conducted by reputed organizations.
  • Organizes various skill development programs for students on ETABS, REVIT PLAXIS-2D and MX Roads SOFTWARE and arranges site visits to students facilitating them with practical exposure to various civil engineering projects.
  • One of our faculty members is a reviewer for reputed SCI journals. (Advances in Concrete Construction, Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology)
  • IGBC and IGS student chapters are functioning in the department.
  • V. Abdul Raffi, Associate Professor awarded Elite + Gold for successful completion of “Geotechnical Engineering-I” (theory and lab courses) through NPTEL (IITB) with a consolidated score of 99/100 and secured all India top position.
  • S. Goutham, Assistant professor awarded Elite + Silver for successful completion of “Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory” course (4-week online course: Sep-Oct 2020) on NPTEL with a consolidated score of 86%.
  • Our faculty members have published 26 papers in various journals in the last five years .and many of them are in SCI and Scopus indexed journals.
  • Seven students qualified through GATE and secured admission to M.Tech program in reputed institutions. One student secured 7th rank in PGCET in the state of Telangana.
  • Our students A. Sri charan and his team presented a project on “Hempcrete” in the final round at New Delhi at the 3rd AICTE-Chhatra Vishwakarma Awards-2019.
  • As part of Hyderabad City Police Hackathon held at Kotla Vijay Bhaskar Reddy Indoor Stadium during 28-29 January 2020, Our students Nari Vivek and team have developed a Smart watch.
  • Nari Vivek and M. Vikas presented a paper on “Comparative studies on PPC and OPC at elevated temperatures” at NIT, Tiruchirapallli and won the Best paper award.
  • K Sai Rohit (19R11A0181) got 2nd prize in “Video competition” in Telangana region MGNCRE. Competition was conducted by "Unnat Bharath Abhiyan" in July,2021.
  • Athirek Singh Jadav(14R11A0101) and Bhadru . B (15R15A0105)., B. Tech final year students have won Second prize in “Dance competition” conducted at Sreenidhi Institute of Engineering and Technology (SNIST), on 11th September 2017, these students are part of ‘Scintillators’ official dance group’ of GCET.
  • P. Ranjith Kumar (18R15A0103) got first prize in “Volley ball – tournament” at State level premium league-2019 held at CVR College of Engineering, Hyderabad.

News Letters

Department of Civil Engineering is releasing “PRAGATHI” newsletter twice in a year. The first volume first issue was released in the academic year 2016-17. It covers all the activities of the department that include faculty contributions through publication of papers in journals and conferences, participation in FDP’s, STTP’s, workshops, faculty achievements in self learning courses such as NPTEL and student participation in various activities including curricular, co-curricular and extracurricular. It also covers industrial visits organized, workshops conducted, guest lectures by invited experts, and contributed articles by senior faculty.