Research and Development

Research and Development


Recognised as Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (SIRO) by Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), New Delhi. (Recognition No: F.No 11/532/2011-TU-V dated 27 March, 2014)


Research & Development activities coupled with academic pursuits provide the knowledge and skills needed to keep an individual abreast of the state - of - art in technology and maintain academic excellence.


Our Vision

Geethanjali visualizes dissemination of knowledge and skills to students, who would eventually contribute to well being of the people of the nation and global community.


Our Mission


Submit Proposals on R&D Projects in areas of National importance in Engineering Sciences and obtain funds from National Agencies like Department of Science & Technology (DST) Department of Earth Sciences (DOES), Department of Environment (DOE) , Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO), Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) etc.. and execute the projects successfully in a time bound manner. Also provide technical consultancy and implement joint projects with industry.



To foster an environment of open inquiry and academic freedom in which individuals can pursue scholarly activities.

Adopting proactive mechanisms which promote and encourage research. It has an organizational structure at departmental levels that encourages younger faculty and students to involve in active research.

  • Each department is divided into groups as per various specializations. Along with the senior Professor, a few other senior faculty of that division act as Lead Faculty and act as mentors to other faculty of that division and guide them in their academic pursuits.
  • UG & PG students are encouraged to take up research-oriented projects for dissertation. The students are financially supported to attend/participate in conferences and present their research work.
  • The faculty are encouraged to register for Ph.D. through external registrations in IITs and other universities. Incentives in the form of sabbatical/study/special leaves are provided to the faculty pursuing Ph.D.
  • Research is promoted by: (i) Providing seed money to the faculty to carry out research, (ii) through faculty incentives for publications in journals, (iii) providing financial assistance for attending/organizing conferences as well as for patenting, as per the norms of the institute.
  • College makes efforts for renewal of recognition as a Research Centre by SIRO, Directorate of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR).
  • Interdisciplinary research is promoted among various departments.
  • College is looking for collaboration with leading National/International Institutes / Industries to strengthen research and developmental activity.
  • Offering monetary benefits to faculty involved in consultancy as per the college norms.
  • Providing necessary support to faculty to visit industries to work on specialized areas as per the demands of industries.

  • To Establish Multi-Disciplinary Advanced Research & Development Centre in Engineering Sciences and to create trained man power.
  • To establish strong linkages with Industries to work in specialized areas in meeting their needs.
  • To arrange internships to the students in industries to gain industrial experience.
  • To motivate faculty members to visit leading industries to work on industrial problems as part of R&D at the college.

Research Advisory Committee

Research Ethics Committee

Sponsored R And D Projects Name of the Principal Investigator/ Co Investigator (if applicable)Project title and Ref No.Name of the Funding agency Type (Government/ Non-Government)Department of Principal Investigator/ Co InvestigatorYear of AwardFunds provided (INR in lakhs) Duration of the project
1Dr P RajuFreshmen EngineeringTeja Educational SocietyNon-Government 5.00Sep-231 year
2Dr M Kanaka DurgaFreshmen EngineeringTeja Educational SocietyNon-Government 2.00Sep-231 year
3Dr N SubadraFreshmen EngineeringTeja Educational SocietyNon-Government 2.00Jan-241 year
4Dr Mallu Chenna ReddyFreshmen EngineeringTeja Educational SocietyNon-Government 1.85Sep-241 year
5Dr. Anil Kumar PuppalaIntroducing pulsatile flow through BLDC motor control for ventricular assist devices JNTUH/TEQIP-III/CRS/2019/EEE/05JNTUH TEQIP-IIIGovernmentElectrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE)20192.51 year
6Dr A BharathiDeep learning based smart assisting for blind people JNTUH/TEQIP-III/CRS/2019/EEE/07JNTUH TEQIP-IIIGovernmentElectrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE)20192.71 year
7Dr P Sudhakar (CO-PI)Speech Enabled IVR based On Line Market for Farmer, JNTUH/TEQIP-III/CRS/2019/ECE/07JNTUH TEQIP-IIIGovernmentElectonics and Communication Engineering (ECE)20192.991 year
8Dr K Shashikala Synthesis and anticancer activity of novel quinoxaline-2-carbohydrazide n-oxide derivatives JNTUH/TEQIP-III/CRS/2019/Chemistry/04JNTUH TEQIP-IIIGovernmentFreshmen Engineering (FE)20192.51 year
9Dr N. SubhadraSynthesis and anticancer activity of novel quinoxaline-2-carbohydrazide n-oxide derivatives JNTUH/TEQIP-III/CRS/2019/Chemistry/04JNTUH TEQIP-IIIGovernmentFreshmen Engineering (FE)201921 year
10Dr. Ch. Ramesh BabuMachine Learning Approach For Plant Disease Identification using Leaf Images JNTUH/TEQIP-III/CRS/2019/CSE/07JNTUH TEQIP-IIIGovernmentComputer Science Engineering 20192.951 year
11PI: Udaya Kumar Susarla, Co-PI: (1) OVPR Siva Kumar, (2) Dr. E. Neeraja RaniDevelopment of Novel Carbon Nanotube/Polymer Nano composite Materials for EMI Applications EIRP/ER/1504754/M/01/1719DRDO, New DelhiGovernmentPI: Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), Co-PI (1): Electonics and Communication Engineering (ECE) Co-PI (2): Freshmen Engineering (FE)201845.813.5 years
12Dr. R.S RajuDesign of Solenoid magnet for BWO MTRDC/MMG/17111/LPO/134/18-19/BUPMTRDC, DRDO, BangaloreGovernmentElectonics and Communication Engineering (ECE)20188.0731 year
13 Dr. V. Satya SrinivasInvestigation of Linear combinations of GNSS measurements to mitigate the effect of Ionosphere and Multipath,, New DelhiGovernmentElectonics and Communication Engineering (ECE)201521.33.5 years
14Dr. R. S. RajuAlternate Energy Using Stored Water (MoU with Bio-Electrical and Energy Systems Pvt. Ltd.)GCET, Hyderbad (In-house Project)Non-GovernmentElectonics and Communication Engineering (ECE)201571.5 year
15Dr P Sudhakar Design and Development of a multi-Wavelength Laser Radar for measurement of clouds and aerosols in the troposphere and lower stratosphere SR/S4/AS:36/2009SERB-DST, New DelhiGovernmentElectonics and Communication Engineering (ECE)201034.53 years

Consultancy Policy

  • To build a strong tie up with industries and to work in the specialized areas to meet their needs so that the knowledge of college will be transformed into industrial products.
  • To generate revenue to build better infrastructure in the college and train students with industrial orientation right from the beginning of academic curriculum.

  • All the available infrastructural/equipment facilities will be made available for the consultancy projects, as required.
  • If new facilities are to be created and/or the equipments to be procured, the same would be worked out on a mutually agreed terms with the customer/industry. The ownership of the equipment/facilities after the project completion lies with both the customer/industry and GCET.
  • The faculty consultant(s) would be spared for the consultancy work without affecting the academic commitments of the faculty; however, reduction of the academic workload of the faculty will be considered keeping in view the project completion time. Offering monetary benefits to faculty involved in consultancy as per the college norms.

  • Consultancy work undertaken at customer site not involving the use of the college facilities:
    Income from the consultancy would be shared by the college and the faculty on 15:85 basis.
  • College infrastructural / equipment facilities:
    The charges payable by the customer would consist of two components, one based on the cost of usage of the facilities as estimated by Cost counting Committee and the other, based on the service cost of the faculty. The charges for the first component would be allocated to the college in full and the charges for the second (service component) would be shared by the college and the faculty on 15:85 basis.
  • For the consultancy work of special nature, not covered above policy guidelines, will be framed on case to case basis.

  • To Establish Multi-disciplinary Advanced Research & Development Centre in Engineering Sciences and to create trained man power and to cater to the needs of industrial consultancy.
  • To strengthen College-Industry cell and execute MoU's with more leading industries in order to establish strong linkages to work in specialized areas in meeting their needs.
  • To tune academic curriculum in tune with industrial requirements so that the students perform better right from the joining industry.
Name of the consultants (Teacher)Name of consultancy projectConsulting agency with contact detailsYearRevenue generated (INR in Lakhs)
Dr. R. S. RajuDevelopment of High Emission Multi-beam Emitter Vaccum Microwave DeviceVEM Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Bachupally, Hyderabad, Telangana State Phone: 040-23046633/ 7733/8833/6666 Email: hrd@vemtechnologies.com2016 (3.5 years)6 Lakh/year
Dr. R. S. RajuDevelopment of specific microwave tube for defence applicationVEM Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Bachupally, Hyderabad, Telangana State Phone: 040-23046633/ 7733/8833/6666 Email: hrd@vemtechnologies.com2019 (2 years)Rs.10,000/per visit
Dr. P. SudhakarDevelopment of electro optical product Digantara Research and Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Enterpreneurship Centre, IISC Bangaluru, Karnataka - 560012 Email: (1 year)4 Lakh/year

None no.Status of patent (Published/ Granted)Inventors NameTitle of the PatentApllicants NamePatent filed DatePatent Published DateAsignees name (Institute Affliations at time)Screen shot/URL/Website link 
1202041043102PublishedCh.Ramesh BabuMethod for detecting health condition in plants using an aerial device based on deep learning approachCh.Ramesh Babu05-10-202009-10-2020Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology CSE
2202141016525PublishedDr. Rjesh Kumar Srivastava, Dr. Ramakanth Mohanty, Dr.Ch. Ramesh BabuSecure Complex EVevent Processing in IOT EnvironmentsDr. Rjesh Kumar Srivastava, Dr. Ramakanth Mohanty, Dr.Ch. Ramesh Babu08-04-202124-04-2021Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology
3202141005563PublishedDr. P Lalitha Surya Kumari, Ms. Sailaja pasupuleti, Dr. A Sree Lakshmi, Ms. Purude vaishali Narayanrao Intelligent System For Operation And Maintenance Of Waste Treatment SystemsDr. P Lalitha Surya Kumari, Ms. Sailaja pasupuleti, Dr. A Sree Lakshmi, Ms. Purude vaishali Narayanrao :09/02/202126-02-2021Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology
4202141018064PublishedDr. Ramakantamohanty, Dr. Ch. Ramesh Babu, Dr. Rajesh Kumar Shrivastava, Fuzzy Multi-Attribute Decision Making, Data Envelopment Analysis And Machine Learning Techniques To Rank And Classify Web ServicesDr. Ramakantamohanty, Dr. Ch. Ramesh Babu, Dr. Rajesh Kumar Shrivastava, 19-04-20214/18/2021Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology
5202041041817PublishedS.Radha, E.MahenderAutomated Quantification System For Tissue In Non-Contrast CT Images Using Deep LearningS.Radha, E.Mahender25-09-202009-10-2020Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology CSE
6202041036196PublishedSeelaboyina RadhaEnergy Auditing for IoT System Security by Deep Learning Convolutional Neural NetworksS.Radha22-08-202004-09-2020Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology CSE
7202041020749PublishedCh.Ramesh Babu, K.SrinivasMethod For Heart-Diseases Classification Based On Ecg Image Analysis Through Deep Learning ModelCh.Ramesh Babu, K.Srinivas16-05-202005-06-2020Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology
8202141018076PublishedDr. Rakesh Kumar Donthi, Dr. K.Srinivas, V. Shiva Narayana Reddy, Dr. D. Rajesh Kumar, K.Audi Reddy A Framework For Intelligent Assessment Of Sentiments On Tweets Of Indian RailwaysDr. Rakesh Kumar Donthi, Dr. K.Srinivas, V. Shiva Narayana Reddy, Dr. D. Rajesh Kumar, K.Audi Reddy 19-04-202130-04-2021Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology
9202041030762PublishedRS Raju and M. Aruna BharathiMethod of Synthesizing Tungsten-Rhenium σ-Phase Alloy PowderRS Raju and M. Aruna Bharathi19-07-202031-07-2020Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology ECE
10202141007015PublishedMajeti Eswar Hemant, OVPR Siva KumarEco-Friendly Blackboard Eraser SystemMajeti Eswar Hemant, OVPR Siva Kumar19-02-202126-02-2021Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology ECE
11202141010293PublishedRV DurgaVertical-Bell Labs Layered Space-Time Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing MIMO System for Multi User DetectionRV Durga11-03-202119-03-2021Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology
12202141014355PublishedRS Raju and Ranjan Kumar BarikFabrication of Multi-beam Cathode Pellet using EDM ProcessRS Raju and Ranjan Kumar Barik30-03-202116-04-2021Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology
13202141018039PublishedDr.S.Vallisree, A. Tejasree, Dr.S.Saritha, Dr.S.SpandanaSmart and transparent milk collection and automated pricing system for dairy farmingDr.S.Vallisree, A. Tejasree, Dr.S.Saritha, Dr.S.Spandana19-04-202130-04-2021Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology
14202141014951PublishedDr. S. Spandana, Pooja Minna Ravindra, Abdullah Farhan Siddiqui A Tool for Converting text to Braille script to empower readability for Blind peopleDr. S. Spandana, Pooja Minna Ravindra, Abdullah Farhan Siddiqui 31-03-202116-04-2021Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology
15202141013279PublishedDr R V Durga and Sekhar MArchitectural Cryptography with High Secure CoreDr R V Durga and Sekhar M26-03-202102-04-2021Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology
16202141015257PublishedDr S Saritha, Dr S Spandana, Dr S VallisreeMachine Learning Based Identification of Tumor using SIANLM and MFCM Algorithm from MRI Brain imagesDr S Saritha, Dr S Spandana, Dr S Vallisree31-03-202111-06-2021Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology
17202141015878PublishedAppala Raju Uppala, Dr.C.VenkataNarasimhulu (Supervisor), Dr.K.Satya Prasad (Co-Supervisor)A Novel MAC Protocol with Fusion Center and Adaptive Full-Duplex Communication for Cognitive Radio NetworksAppala Raju Uppala, Dr.C.VenkataNarasimhulu (Supervisor), Dr.K.Satya Prasad (Co-Supervisor)04-04-202109-04-2021Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology ECE
18202041034753PublishedD. Mohan, K. Anitha Sheela, P. SudhakarA utility Based Speech enabled interactive voice response (SEIVR) for providing online market place for farmers. D. Mohan, K. Anitha Sheela, P. Sudhakar13-08-202013-08-2020Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology
19202041053479PublishedDr. Radhika DoraDesign and fabrication of electric smart bike with voice recognitionDr. Radhika Dora09-12-202018-12-2020Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology EEE
20202041057280PublishedAnil Kumar PuppalaArtificial Intelligence-based controller for BLDC motor to achieve pulsatility for VADs and TAHsAnil Puppala30-12-202030-12-2020Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology EEE
21202141014821PublishedM. Aruna Bharathi, RS Raju and MalajiSushama Method of Synthesizing Linixcu0.5-Xmn1.5o4 Nanomaterial using Microwave-Assisted Sol-Gel Technique for Lithium Ion Battery CathodeM. Aruna Bharathi, RS Raju and MalajiSushama 31-03-202116-04-2021Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology
22202141019699PublishedDr.Aruna BharathiIoT enabled air cooler (Iot-e-AC)Dr.Aruna Bharathi29-04-202107-05-2021Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology no.Status of patent (Published/ Granted)Inventors NameTitle of the PatentApllicants NamePatent filed DatePatent Published DateAsignees name (Institute Affliations at time)URL/Website linkDepartment
1201941045415PublishedP. Lalitha Surya Kumari, V.ShivaNarayana ReddyA Wireless Technology is provided for Monitoring Environmental Soil Or Climate Conditions And Controlling System"P. Lalitha Surya Kumari, V.ShivaNarayana Reddy08-11-201929-11-2019Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology
2201941045959PublishedKamakshaiahKolli, A.Hari Prasad Reddy, V.ShivaNarayanaReddy, M.BhavanaF29:F33Advanced Automobile with Combination of Camera, Radar and Radio Frequency Communication Work Together With Sensor FusionKamakshaiahKolli, A.Hari Prasad Reddy, V.ShivaNarayanaReddy, M.Bhavana12-11-201929-11-2019Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology
3201941050634PublishedJ.Umamahesh,Intelligent Fish Stock Prediction Using Image Processing,Machine Learning And Deep LearningJ.Umamahesh,08-12-201913-12-2019Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology
4202041001461PublishedDr.P.Lalitha Surya Kumari, Dr.Puja S Prasad, V.ShivaNarayanaReddyDART(Depression and Related Tracker):Identification System to Find and Prevent Depression Tendencies of WomenDr.P.Lalitha Surya Kumari, Dr.Puja S Prasad, V.ShivaNarayanaReddy13-01-202017-01-2020Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology
5201941039885PublishedP Venkata Lavanya, CV Narasimhulu and K Satya PrasadA method of image denoising and a system thereof P Venkata Lavanya, CV Narasimhulu and K Satya Prasad02-10-201918-10-2019Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology
6202041023384PublishedRS RajuMethod for Generating Flux Lines Plot of a Magnetic Circuit using FDMRS Raju03-06-202121-062021Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology ECE
7202041026022PublishedRS Raju, Basi Ram, Ranjan Barik and V SrivastavaMethod for Suppressing Undesired Modes in RF Cavity StructuresRS Raju, Basi Ram, Ranjan Barik and V Srivastava19-06-202110-07-2021Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology ECE
8201821008724PublishedK.SrinivasATG - System: Automatic Ticket Generation SystemK.Srinivas09-03-201813-09-2019Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology
9202041010194PublishedK.SrinivasSecure Data Exchange In Data Center Using AI ProgrammingK.Srinivas09-03-202013-03-2020Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology no.Status of patent (Published/ Granted)Inventors NameTitle of the PatentApllicants NamePatent filed DatePatent Published DateAsignees name (Institute Affliations at time)URL/Website linkDepartment
1201811034642PublishedJ UmamaheshContinuous Flow Vermi-Reactor for Fast Track Urban Solid Waste Treatment"J Umamahesh14-09-201808-03-2019Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology
2201941014569PublishedG.SomaSekhar, KamakshaiahKolliIOT-AIS-DESK:-Using IOT Application Intelligent Student DeskG.SomaSekhar, KamakshaiahKolli10-04-201926-04-2019Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology
3201941015601PublishedK Praveen Kumar, CV Narasimhulu and K Satya PrasadMethodology and system for image restorationK Praveen Kumar, CV Narasimhulu and K Satya Prasad18-04-201926-04-2019Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology no.Status of patent (Published/ Granted)Inventors NameTitle of the PatentApllicants NamePatent filed DatePatent Published DateAsignees name (Institute Affliations at time)URL/Website linkDepartment
1201841003130PublishedB Madhuravani and DSR MurthyNode integrity based authentication model for dynamic wireless communication networksB Madhuravani and DSR Murthy26/01/201802-02-2018Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology
2201841002429PublishedS Nagengra Kumar and SC MukhopadhyayMultifarious smart sending system augmented with internet of things theme for food quality checkS Nagengra Kumar and SC Mukhopadhyay20/01/201802-02-2018Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology
3201841005538PublishedDSR MurthyAuthentication Model For Wireless CommunicationDSR Murthy14/02/201823/02/2018Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology