Center for Learning Resources

Center for Learning Resources

About Center for Learning Resources

The Geethanjali CLR System comprises of a CLR and about 08 department learning centers collectively supporting the teaching, research and extension program of the Institute. Each department Learning Centre maintained by concern department learning Centre coordinator with the guidelines of the concern Head of the Department. Department coordinator liaison with the CLR in charge for any procurement of books, journals and for any other resources needed. The CLR houses over 76,000 plus documents comprising of books, theses, journals, Videos, etc. in the field of engineering, science & Information technology, humanities, social sciences, and management studies.Centre for learning resources having the subscription of Knimbus mLibrary which is a platform that provides tools like Universal Search, Anywhere Access, Detailed Analytics and Librarian Dashboard on a single integrated platform so that students & faculty can seamlessly access learning resources anytime, anywhere and on any device.

All in-house operations of the Centre for learning resources are fully computerized using the Ez Library and KOHA library management software (KLMS) that also provides web-based access to the catalogue of the CLR and some Department learning centers. It has a barcode based automated library system (ALS) and a wide variety of printed and electronic collections catering to the needs of all the students, faculty and staff.

Vision and Mission

We strive to provide an environment of enhanced student learning and faculty development through quality of service. The Geethanjali Centre for learning resources has instituted policies and procedures to ensure the mission of excellence.

The Centre for learning resources will support the Geethanjali curriculum by providing a vital, information-rich environment that will enhance faculty development and student learning by

Functions of CLR

  • Acquisition Management
  • Catalogue Management
  • Serial control Management
  • Stacks Management
  • Circulation Management
  • Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC)
  • CLR Budget Management
  • General CLR Administration

Administration Budget Management Acquisition Management Serial Control Management Stack Management Membership Management Catalogue Management Circulation Management OPAC

CLR Information

All working days8:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Weekend 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM

The CLR is spread over two floors with a total covered area of 1263 Sq.m.

The floor-wise distribution of services and resources of the CLR as follows: -

1 Text book collection First floor
2 Reference collection First floor (Block-2)
3 SC/ST Book Bank First floor
4 Project Reports First floor
5 Print Journals Ground floor
6 Bound volumes of Journals Ground floor
7 Digital Library Ground floor
8 OPAC Ground floor
9 Reprographic Service Ground floor
10 Reading Area Ground floor
11 Audio visual Ground floor
12 Librarian Cabin Ground floor

Procurement of Books

Departmental faculty coordinator submits the books indent to the Centre for learning resources with approval and recommendations of the concerned Head of the Department.

All Departmental books indents will be verified and scrutinized by CLR Advisory committee and submit the recommendations to Head of the Institution for approval.

The ordering can be done by print, online, email, etc., depending upon the convenience of the CLR with standard terms and conditions. Purchase Orders will be issued by head of the department.


Centre for learning resources have strong collections pertaining to physical sciences, Engineering, Technology, Computer Science and Information Technology, Fresh men Engineering and Management, etc.

1 Number of Titles 8113
2 Number of Volumes 44813
3 Number of Journals and Magazines (Print) 215
4 Seating 250

Sl No.Program Couse Titles Volumes Journals
1 UG CIVIL 627 3704 12
2 UG CSE 1710 11604 32
3 UG AIML 260 1249 22
4 UG CS (Cyber Security) 134 645 19
5 UG DS (Data Science) 131 557 19
6 UG IOT 128 544 15
7 UG ECE 1520 10290 21
8 UG EEE 1005 4209 18
9 UG IT 252 1198 06
10 UG MECH 712 4222 12
11 PG CSE 659 1482 12
12 PG MBA 975 5107 25

The CLR maintains a separate reference collection (7500) consisting of text books, encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks, Competitive books, Technical data, atlases etc.

CLR Membership

Membership and Loan Period

All students, faculty, and employees of the Institute are entitled to the membership of the CLR. The CLR currently has about 4,500 members.

Entitlement for Number of Books to be Borrowed and Loan Period
CATEGORY No.of Books Loan period
Faculty 10 One Semester
Non-Teaching 4 30 Days
Students (PG) 6 15 Days
Students (PG) 4 15 Days
SC/ST Book Bank 4 One Semester
** Top 3 rankers will be eligible to draw two additional textbooks from our CLR

Borrowing Rules & Guidelines

The CLR assists its users ranging from the location of a book to finding the specific information required by a user

  • Users have to fill the requisition form in the prescribed format based on the availability of the books and submit the same to circulation counter along with Identity card which will be scanned for verification and issue the books.
  • The Users should check the books thoroughly for missing pages, chapters, etc. while getting them issued.
  • No book in damaged condition will be accepted from the users on return. Damaged books will have to be replaced with new books by the borrower.

  • General books are issued to all eligible members as per their entitlements.
  • Reference books and bound volumes are issued to members with special permission. (Please contact In charge / Librarian for obtaining permission)
  • Theses, dissertations, CDs are not lent out of the CLR

Items that are returned after the due date are considered overdue. The overdue fine is calculated at the following rates:

Rs. 1.00 per day for the books issued from the General Section.

Following is the criteria for recovering the cost of lost books by CLR members:

  • The lost book should be replaced by a new book with overdue charges if any and with processing charges of Rs. 100/- for each book.
  • In case the book is out of print or not available in the market, then double the cost mentioned in the Accession register should be charged with processing charges of
  • Rs. 100/- for each book with overdue charges if any.

Center for e-Resources

Systems 25
Head phones 10
Printer 01
Scanner 01
Network speed 02 Giga Bytes
Wi Fi Available
Network providers DUPL, ACT

e- Resources

GCET e-Library is available at



  • ASPP Provides access to the core IEEE collection of technology journals on a variety of topics
  • 192 Online IEEE Society -Sponsored Journals, Magazines and transactions.
Springer (Computer Science)

Springer (Computer Science)

  • Journals-107


All(16187) e-Journals(10081)
eBooks(4812) Case Reports(820)
Videos(194) e-Magazines(159)
Conference Proceedings(101) Others(10)
News letters (2) e-News Papers(2)


News Papers - 127
Video Lectures-18144

J-GATE (e-Journals-7388) Management studies and Humanities

e-Journals-7388 Language Learning Portal
E-books -4674 Thesis/Dissertations
Knowledge Gainer Rare Books
Manuscripts Other Online Databases

NLIST(National Library and Information services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content) :

e-Journals (Full text)-6653 e-Books
American Institute of Physics [18 ] Cambridge Books Online [1800 titles]
Annual Reviews [33 titles] e-brary [185000+ titles]
Economic and Political Weekly (EPW) [1 title] EBSCoHost-Net Library [936 titles]
Indian Journals [180+ title] Hindustan Book Agency [65+ titles]
JSTOR [2500+ titles] Institute of South East Asian Studies(ISEAS) Books [382+ titles]
Institute of Physics [46 titles] Oxford Scholarship [1402+ titles]
Royal Society of Chemistry [29 ] Springer eBooks [2300 titles]
H. W. Wilson [3000+ titles] Sage Publication eBooks [1000 titles]
Cambridge University Press [224 ] Taylor Francis eBooks [1800 titles]
  m-Library-McGraw Hill [1124 titles]
  South Asia Archive [through NDL]
  World e-Books Library [Now Available through NDL only]
NDL -National Digital Library

Above e- Resources Available on off-Campus Access through Knimbus e-Library

Institutional Repository (

2National and International Journals (down load articles) 4698
3NPTEL, MIT Videos & download video lessons 5680
4GATE/GRE/TOEFL/IELTS Material& Course Material1062
5Audio Visual Material(CDs & DVDs)3346
6Student Projects4234
7Journals Back Volumes2967
8 Course FilesAvailable
9Previous Question papersAvailable
Above e- Resources Available on off-Campus Access through Knimbus e-Library

Guidelines for Fair Use of e-Resources

The CLR subscribes to thousands of electronic journals and bibliographic databases for its authorized users. It is the responsibility of individual users to ensure that the use of electronic resources does not breach the terms and conditions specified in the license agreements. Licenses vary from publisher to publisher; however, the general principles are as follows:

  • View, download, copy, printing, save a copy of search results and save individual articles.
  • Using e-resources for scholarly, educational for scientific research, teaching and clinical purposes.

  • Use of robots or intelligent agents to do systematic bulk or automatic downloading is not permitted.
  • Systematic downloading or printing of entire journal issues or volumes or large portions of other resources are not permitted.
  • Using e-resources for commercial gains not permitted.

Resource Weed-Out and Disposal Policy

  • This document outlines the policy and procedure governing the weed –out, write –off and disposal of resource documents. The term ‘resources document’ stands for all resources like books, journals and magazines, student projects newsletters, progress reports, pamphlets etc.

The responsibility for implementation of this policy is that of in charge, CLR of the college with the guidelines of CLR Committee on 'Resources review and Disposal' (LCRRD)

Constitution of CLR committee:
  • The Principal of the constitute LCRRD on the recommendations of CLR Advisory and facilitate and guide its development activities.
  • The LCRRD shall consist of in-charge, CLR, and one Faculty member each from the Engineering, S&H and Management studies departments.
Guidelines for selection of documents for weed-out/write-off
  • The Library documents which can be categorized under one or more of the following groups may be considered for weed out.
  • The books which are mutilated and not repairable
  • The books which have not been in use for the last 5 years or more.
  • Old textbooks, (except five copies of the latest edition)
  • The issues of journals and magazines which have not been selected for binding.
  • The bound volumes of journals and magazines which have not been in use for the last 5 years.
  • Student project report more than 5 years old.
  • Ephemeral material like newsletters, progress reports, annual reports, pamphlets and those material which lose their value after a certain period of time.
  • Documents which are lost in transactions.
  • Outstanding documents against any persons who is no more associated with GCET and which have any chance of being returned and there being no means of recovery of their cost say from salary of security deposit.
  • The following types of documents should not the considered for weed -out.

All the print versions of standards

  • Identification of the of documents to be weed-out:The In charge , CLR and department resource co-coordinators identify the documents to be weed out following the guidelines outlined in clause 3.2
  • Screening by LCRRDThe LCRRD examines the list of documents identified by in charge central and may delete from the list such documents which in the opinion are worthy of retention on account of their content value.
  • The documents short listed by LCRRD are listed subject wise by CLR and circulated to all the documents.
  • The HODs of departments will have the subject and submit their recommendations to LCRRD.
  • In case of difference of opinion between LCRRD on the one hand and the department on the other, LCRRS with interact with the HODs and arrive at an agreed list of documents to be weed out
  • LCRD will then submit it's the prescribed format (See Annexure) to CLRAC
  • CLRAC will vet the submit its proposal and forward it to Principal who, after satisfying himself about the proposal being in order, will in turn forward it's to Secretary for approval
  • After the weed- out proposal is approved by the Secretary, In-charge central library will arrange to take out the documents from the racks and keep them separately till a decision on the manner of their disposal is taken by the compete tent authority. These documents will be removed from all the CLR records such as Accession Register, Catalogue etc.

  • The documents that are weeded out may be offered to the faculty, students and staff, in that order, on first cum served basis. A token charge of Rs.20/- per book may be given collected from the buyers
  • A list of the remaining documents may be posted on the website of the college for the benefit of other institutions interested in the publications. Those interested may be given away the documents of their choice of the transfer (postage etc.) being borne by the receiving institution.
  • The documents that could not be disposed of as within 4 months of their weeding out may be destroyed by shredding or disposed of as waste paper following the institutions procedure.

CLR Services and Facilities

The CLR Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) can be accessed on Intranet and Internet to search all the records available in the CLR database through a web-based search interface. The OPAC can be searched by author, title, subject, keywords, classified number, publisher, etc. The OPAC also provides information about new arrivals of journals/books etc. in the CLR.

OPAC Link:

The CLR in collaboration with the MHRD project IRINS has developed and launched a customized profiling system through which customized data of the institute and its faculty is available in the most presentable form facilitates the Faculty members to collect, curate, and showcase scholarly communication activities and provides an opportunity to create a scholarly network. It has been integrated with Academic identities such as ORCiD ID, Scopus ID, Google Scholar ID, Cross Ref, etc. for ingesting the scholarly publications from various sources. One can create/update profile using the VIDWAN site ( and also can manually add the publications which are not listed.

The CLR has launched its Single Window Search App which is available on Google Play Store and iOS with the name, “Single Window Search for knimbus mLibrary standard”. This App provides access to all library resources, services, and products through Mobile devices.

All the resources of the GCET are accessible through Knimbus global search which provides a single access point to bibliographical, full text and internal resources using the landing page of the CLR

Circulation works are lending of books and journals, loan procedure, no due issues, reservations and issues and returns reports daily, monthly and yearly

Magazines, periodicals and journals are published at various intervals. The frequency of their publication may be daily, bi-weekly, weekly, fortnightly, monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, annual or irregular. The periodical section organizes these periodicals in a separate space reserved in CLR and manages.

The library provides reprographic facility to the students, faculty and staff.

Our Digital information Centre 2.0 provides database through IP based access to students and faculty, and staff. Content: e-books, e- journals, video lectures, course files question papers etc..

Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) services unlock the content of scientific journal articles and eBooks using metadata and abstracts. Users browsing these services using particular search criteria are shown the relevant articles, chapters or books with the metadata, abstract and link to the full text.

Interlibrary loan facility through DELNET

Selective dissemination of information and CLR literacy program

General Rules

  • Every Member should have ID card while entering the CLR.
  • Every member should have write Name, Roll number, Department and time in gate register.
  • Maintain Silence.
  • Don't use mobile phone and violation will attract severe punishment.
  • Members shall not engage in conversation in any part of the CLR as it may cause annoyance to other reader.
  • Members shall not write on, damage or mark any book belonging to the CLR.
  • Members shall not shelve books and periodicals as that disturbs the prescribed order.
  • Members are responsible for any damage caused by them to the books or any other property belonging to the CLR and shall be required to pay the penalty imposed upon them by the librarian.
  • The members caught tearing pages/stealing books will be from using the CLR facilities and further disciplinary action will be initiated against them by the college.
  • Printed material not allowed (Personal)
  • Members leaving the library should stop at the check point so that the books borrowed or taken out of the CLR by them may be checked.
  • Upon any infringement of the CLR rules, members shall forfeit the privileges of admission and membership of the CLR.
  • Information regarding loss of books/books should be given immediately and the same should be replaced within a week.

The librarian reserves the right to suspend the membership of any member found misbehaving, abusing the CLR staff or behaving in an indecent manner.

CLR Team

1 S Kameswara Rao M.A, M.L.I.Sc., TPT Head of the Department
2 L Nagamani M.L.I.Sc. Librarian
3 A Gowtham M.L.I.Sc. Asst. Librarian
4 R Venkatesam M.L.I.Sc. Asst. Librarian
5 M Mahesh M.L.I.Sc. Asst. Librarian
6 S Srinivasa Rao BA Sr.Admn. Asst.
7 T Tirumalesh BA Record Assistant
8 P Nagamani BA Book bearer
9 S Keerthi INTER Book bearer
10 K Sailaja INTER Book bearer
11 G.Rajesh 10th CLASS Attender
12 S Jyothi 10th CLASS Attender
13 K Manasa 10th CLASS Attender
Our BestPractices
  • Computerization of CLR with standard digital software
  • Inclusion of sufficient information standard digital software.
  • Displaying newspaper clipping on the notice board periodically.
  • Career/employment information/services
  • Internet/WI-Fi facilities to different user group.
  • Suggestion box/register and timely response.
  • Displaying new arrivals and circulating a list of those to academic departments.
  • Conduction user awareness program.
  • Organizing competitions annually etc.

SNoName of MembersDesignationDepartmentPosition
1 Dr. P. Vijai Bhaskar Dean Academics ECE Coordinator
2 Dr. A. Sri Lakshmi HoD CSE Member
3 Dr. G. Bindu Madhavi HoD AMIL Member
4 Dr. B. Srinivasa Rao HoD DS Member
5 Dr. G. Kalyani HoD CS Member
6 Dr. K. Srinivas HoD IoT Member
7 Dr. G. Neeraja Rani HoD FE Member
8 Dr.G. Sreelakshmi HoD ECE Member
9 Dr. D. Radhika HoD EEE Member
10 Dr. R. Sudarshan HoD MECH Member
11 Dr. V. V. Praveen Kumar HoD CIVIL Member
12 Dr. J. Pardha Saradhi HoD MBA Member
13 Dr. R. Prasanna Kumar Registrar Admin Member
14 Mr. S. Kameswara Rao HoD CLR Convener

Functions:To support the functioning of the CLR, and facilitate and guide its development activities.

Term:The term of the Committee shall be three years

Meetings:The Committee shall meet at least twice a year

Name of the facultyDepartment
S Kameswara Rao CLR
S Ramanjaneyulu CSE
G Ramachandra ECE
M Gouse Basha EEE
P Sandeep Kumar MECH
D Varun Kumar CIVIL
Dr. SK Md. Ali FME
D Keerthana MBA
  • To coordinate CLR resources, review weed-out and disposal process.
  • The committee should meet as and when required or at least ones every semester.
  • Proceedings of the committee should be prepared within 48 hours of every meeting and submitted to principal.

S.NoName of StudentRoleBranch & YearRoll.No.Phone No.
1V DheerajMemberCIVIL22R15A01207382251846
2S VenkatehMemberCSE21R11A 05508790492314
3V AkshayMember CSE-AIML22R11A66558885566432
4P ShravyaMemberECE22R11A04N2 
5Ramavath AnveshMemberEEE21R11A02237780783820
6B DeepnaMemberDS24R11A67089346801825
7Karthik BhagitMemberMECH24R11A03188639924146
8Bhairav Bhatla Sai ApoorvaMemberMS23R11E00067893282912
  • Guide the librarian in formulating general CLR policies and regulations which govern the functions of the CLR.
  • Review the CLR readership department wise.
  • Provide for proper documentation services and updating the CLR
  • collection etc.

The committee shall meet at least twice in a semester or as and when required.