Electronics and Communication Engineering

Electronics and Communication Engineering

The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering was established in the year 2005 and currently the department offers an Under Graduate program B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering with an annual intake of 180.

The B.Tech Program in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) has been accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA) successively four times i.e. in 2012, 2015, 2018 and 2022, which is valid up to 2025.

ECE department is functioning under the guidance of Prof. B. Hari Kumar, Professor & Dean, School of Electrical and Communication Engineering, who has 36 years of teaching experience.

The Department is headed by Dr. G. Sreelakshmi, has 20 years of teaching experience. The department has well equipped laboratories, good infrastructure, highly qualified and experienced faculty. There are 7 Professors, 15 Associate Professors, 26 Assistant Professors and 12 doctorates in the department. The department has 10 Lab Assistants to assist and maintain the labs.

A good number of research papers are published by the faculty in National/International conference proceedings/Journals. The department has signed MOUs with various organizations to provide real time training to the students.