Academic Programs

Academic Programs

Admission to B.Tech/MBA/M.Tech courses is done through EAMCET/ICET/PGECET a common entrance tests conducted by the Govt. of Telangana. 70% of the seats are allotted for the merit students based on their rank in TS EAMCET/ICET/GATE/PGECET. 30% of the seats are under NRI/Management quota. In addition, diploma holders are admitted into second year B.Tech to the extent of 20% intake based on the merit in ECET, under lateral entry scheme.

CLICK HERE to download B.Tech application form.

CLICK HERE to download M.Tech application form.

The College offers Eight undergraduate courses and Two postgraduate courses. The details of the courses are given in the following table.

Undergraduate Programmes offered by the College

S.No. Name of the Course Total Intake
1 Civil Engineering 30
2 Computer Science and Engineering 480
3 CSE - Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 240
4 CSE - Cyber Security 180
5 CSE- Data Science 180
6 Electrical and Electronics Engineering 60
7 Electronics and Communication Engineering 120
8 Mechanical Engineering 30
  Total 1320

Postgraduate Programmes offered by the College

S.No. Name of the Course Total Intake
1 MBA 60
2 M.Tech(Computer Science and Engineering) 18
  Total 78

The admission pattern to B. Tech is as follows: The minimum qualification for admission to first year B.Tech course is pass in the Intermediate (10 + 2) conducted by the board of Intermediate education, Govt. of Telangana or any other examination recognized as equivalent there to with Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry as optional subjects.

The admission pattern to MBA is as follows: The minimum qualification for admission to first year MBA course is 50% pass in the Degree (10+2+3) or equivalent conducted by the University.

The admission pattern to M. Tech is as follows: The minimum qualification for admission to first year M.Tech course is 50% pass in the B.E./B.Tech/AMIE or equivalent conducted by the University.

  • Fresher's Day:The college organizes Fresher's day where the Second year students welcome the Freshers. Principal and Department Heads will grace the occasion. Second Year students will organize cultural events and conduct competitions for Freshers. Refreshments will be provided by the management.
  • Annual Day:Annual Day will be celebrated in a large scale. Chief Guest(s) are invited from Industry, R & D Institutions, University and Govt. officials. Principal presents the annual report of the college for the academic year.
    1. A. Felicitations: for students cash awards of RS.1000/- will be given in different activities like sports, cultural, games, events.
    2. B. Sports Events: Out Door events like cricket, football, volleyball for boys & Throw ball, Tennikoit for girls are held. In door events like Chess, Table Tennis, Caroms at College level may be held once in every month and also for Annual Day.
    3. C. Cultural Events: Competitions like Singing, Anthyakshari, Light music, Classical music, Dance, Mimicry etc are conducted.
    4. D. Literary Events: Competitions like Essay writing, Elocution, Debate, Group discussion, Quiz, Dumb Charades are conducted
    5. E. Extra-circular Events: Events like painting, flower-arrangement, card-board arrangement, vegetable carving, classroom decoration etc., are held on Annual Day.
  • Workshops & Student Paper & Project Presentation Contests-"BHASWARA":The College has also been very active in organizing Workshops and Student Paper Contests. The College has conducted successfully three times a national level technical paper &project presentation-BHASWARA. It has also conducted a FDP on Advanced java concept in colaberation with SUN MICRO SYSTEMS INDIA LTD. workshop on ORACLE, .NET, Communication skills etc.
  • Student Seminars:Students are encouraged to prepare and present seminars in the hour scheduled for the same in the Time Table. Students can form teams and prepare seminars in the subjects they are studying using PowerPoint presentations.
  • Symposium:College organizes Symposia by inviting eminent personalities to encourage, influence and challenge students. These personalities are renowned Academicians, Researchers, Scientists, CEOs, and important Government Officials and Persons.
  • Guest Lectures:College organizes guest lectures at department level for technical advancements in the respective field and also to sharpen the knowledge in the subjects in the curriculum.
  • Training & Placements:Industry-academia interaction has made our education being more industry specific, guided and structured by different industries. The placement cell conducts short term value added courses (like J2EE, GIS, .Net, Testing tools, Embedded systems etc.) in the vacation for interested students.
  • Industrial and Study Tours:Local industrial visits are arranged for II and III Year students. Outstation Industrial tours will be allowed for final years only during the semester break.

Student centric teaching methodology adopted to help them understand the core concepts thoroughly. Each classroom is transformed into forums of discussions where views are exchanged and knowledge is transferred. Latest audio visual methods adopted to make learning more efficient and enjoyable.

Course files
Extensive course material is prepared by concerned lecturers taking in contributions from the related faculty. The material is available to each student on the college website. Essay, short and objective questions are provided with solutions and are updated every year/semester.

Students have to submit projects in their final year and they are given an opportunity to learn with their mini projects in the third year. With the projects, students gain exposure to real time applications.

At the beginning of the semester lab manuals are prepared to help the student learnt the concepts practically. All the experiments included in the curriculum have their procedures recorded in the manual.